Friday, October 12, 2012

Larry Ellison's Remarkable Hardware Journey

Hardware software integration was Steve Jobs' unique mantra. Larry Ellison seems to have successfully emulated that. Remarkable.

Larry Ellison Says Oracle's Hardware Business Will Grow This Year
This Will Be Larry Ellison's Proving Year
Billionaire Ellison Increases Credit Line to $4.5 Billion
At 68, Oracle's flamboyant, multibillionaire CEO Larry Ellison still going strong
Apple vs. Google is the Most Important Battle in Tech
A Few Interesting Details About What Marissa Mayer And Yahoo Are Up To
Why smartphones point to smarter cameras
Chocolate: Sweet Path to Nobel Prize?
With Turkey-Syria escalation, worries grow about a tip into war
Marissa Mayer's New Homepage
Chip Design Luminary Leaves Samsung for Apple
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Mobile Search

Image representing Android as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase
Mobile search makes even more sense than desktop search. And your phone is always with you. But this is not the end of Google. There is Android, remember?

As mobile rises, desktop search declines for the first time
We might not even search for a restaurant to eat at until we're out the door; a number of apps can give us recommendations on the go. And nontraditional search engines are on the rise: we might search for clothes on instead of Google, or airfares on Hipmunk, or a friend's e-mail address on Facebook. ..... By the end of the year, almost a third of Internet search traffic will come from smartphones and tablets
Why The Google Era May Be Over
Something crucial happened last month that no one seems to be paying attention to. ..... People searched less. ...... That's never happened before. 
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Cyber Pearl Harbor Will Be From Stateless Entity Like Al Qaeda

The Al Qaeda simply does not have the brain power, or it would have done it already. They have no qualms. They do not deliberate, hum and haw. They just don't have the capability.

But the cyber Pearl Harbor will not be enacted by some state, not Iran, not China, not North Korea. It might not even be an organization like the Al Qaeda, however loose. It is more likely to be a group whose structure is akin to the group Anonymous. All members are faceless and anonymous.

But that can not be mistaken for acts like that of Wikileaks. Or Kim Dot Com. Releasing secret State Department cables is not Pearl Harbor. Pirating movies is not Pearl Harbor. And there will be legitimate cyber developments to weaken the nation state and empower the individual, the global citizen. That would be a welcome development.

But a Cyber Pearl Harbor by definition would have to be an act of evil. 9/11 was the modern day Pearl Harbor.

Panetta warns US could face ‘cyber Pearl Harbor’

Maintaining watch on Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, and especially the Al Qaeda makes sense, but room has to be made for a new hitherto unknown entity.
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Larry Ellison's Wandering Eye

Ellison eyes fellow billionaire's AEG empire
Oracle CEO and Island Owner Larry Ellison Reportedly Wants His Own Shiny Sports Empire
Ellison reportedly mulls bid for sports-entertainment empire
Larry Ellison is eyeing up the entertainment industry

I just added Larry Ellison to my Google News page. Makes no sense to add Marissa Mayer and not Larry Ellison. I have Google on my Google News page. Google is my favorite tech company to love. But Larry remains its most interesting character, flaws and all. His flaw was to go after Google on Android.
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