Thursday, August 09, 2012

Breaking Up The Euro Feels Unthinkable

The solution is to give Europe a political union that matches the monetary union. The continent is going through hard times. But it is not like breaking up the Euro is an easy solution. You could break the Euro and all the problems would still be there. The loans would not vanish.

Tempted, Angela?
it is looking ever more likely .... A chaotic disintegration would be a calamity ..... For the moment, breaking up the euro would be more expensive than trying to hold it together. But if Europe just keeps on arguing, that calculation will change. ..... Begin with Greece. There is a common fallacy, not least in Germany, that dropping the Greeks would be a fairly costless way to teach a useful lesson. In fact the European Central Bank (ECB) owns Greek bonds with a face value of €40 billion ($50 billion), which would be converted into devalued drachma and which Greece might not service. A further €130 billion or so of loans that Greece has received in the bail-out would have to be written down, or written off. The €100 billion of the temporary debts Greece has stacked up in the ECB’s payments system would crystallise into a loss. Add in a one-off grant of say €50 billion to tide Greece over—call it conscience-salving “solidarity”—and the bill might come to €320 billion. Estimating the price of a “Grexit” is guesswork, but Germany’s share might reach €110 billion of this, about 4% of the country’s GDP. ...... Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus and Spain also all owe investors abroad a net sum of 80-100% of GDP (the gross debt is much larger). ...... With the single market in peril and depression looming, Mrs Merkel would come under huge pressure to pay whatever it takes to save the rest of the euro zone. She would have no time to negotiate the pan-European federal discipline that she has always demanded as the price for German aid. A rescue would be a blank cheque. .... A bolder Plan B would amputate well above the site of infection, cutting off Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus too. Italy, which has net foreign debt of just 21% of GDP, would probably escape the chop: even with its heavy debts and chronic lack of competitiveness, Mrs Merkel would reckon that the euro zone could not function politically without it. ..... When you add up the ECB’s holdings of their bonds, the temporary debts in its payments system, written-off rescue loans, and a care package to soften the blow of being chucked out, the total for Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus and Greece comes to perhaps €1.15 trillion. Germany would also have to put money into its own banks, hit by losses in the five departing countries. Altogether, this might cost Germany getting on for €500 billion, or 20% of GDP. ..... the euro zone’s members should use their combined strength to create a banking union and to mutualise a chunk of the outstanding debt (as well as introduce policies to temper austerity and promote growth). ..... This more federal Europe would also involve costs. Recapitalising banks and financing a euro-wide deposit-guarantee scheme might cost €300 billion-400 billion, perhaps a third of it paid for by Germany. But this would be a one-off and might be reclaimed from the banks. Mutualising a slug of debt would lift Germany’s interest costs by €15 billion or so a year. The numbers are rough, but, even allowing for some extra loans to the south, rescue would be cheaper than break-up. And that is before you factor in the enormous political costs of disintegration, with, say, Greece departing into a new Balkan hell. ..... had the politicians agreed on who should pay what or on how much sovereignty to surrender. ...... Southern Europe’s economic rot is deepening and spreading north. Politics is turning rancid as the south succumbs to austerity fatigue and the north to rescue fatigue .... breaking up the euro would be riskier than fixing it. ... the choice will be between an expensive break-up sooner and a really ruinous one later.
Europe going down the tube like this was not my idea of an Asian century.
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The Tech Silent Spring

I have been going through this list of NYC tech companies (Made In NYC) and if there is one pattern there it is that these tech companies take great pride in not having a phone number to call.

I am not sure that is a good thing.
Silent Spring Silent Spring is a book written by Rachel Carson and published by Houghton Mifflin on September 27, 1962. The book is widely credited with helping launch the environmental movement. .... Silent Spring facilitated the ban of the pesticide DDT in 1972 in the United States. ..... Silent Spring has been featured in many lists of the best nonfiction books of the twentieth century. ... Most recently, Silent Spring was named one of the 25 greatest science books of all time by the editors of Discover Magazine.
There are so many options to blog. There are so few options to podcast. I know of no easy one.

Things are too silent on the web. Voice's time will come. I see an opening.
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Ek Tha Tiger

There Never Was Just One

Marissa Mayer: Early Moves

The Google comparisons are irresistible to most, but I think she is just instilling best practices, several of which she learned at Google.

Yahoo still has more revenue than Facebook. A lot of people don't know that. It continues to be one of the top visited sites on the Internet. A lot of people never left.

Here's Everything Marissa Mayer Is Doing To Make Yahoo More Like Google
Borrowing from Google, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Begins Makeover
Product comes first. .... how to reverse the declining usage of the company's search and email service ..... wants to rewire Yahoo to develop or acquire Web services that take advantage of new "platforms" such as social networking, mobile devices, and technology that gives people information about their immediate surroundings, including local businesses. ..... ordered Yahoo's stock ticker removed from the home page of the company's internal website ..... she won't announce a strategic plan before she finishes reviewing Yahoo's businesses ..... Yahoo's $5 billion in annual revenue. ..... Yahoo's share price is up 2.7% since Ms. Mayer's appointment was announced .... Yahoo's board promised her she will have years to repair the company's core advertising business ..... Much of Yahoo's $20 billion market capitalization is tied to its investments in Asian Internet companies. ..... she wants to revamp the Yahoo Web-search service .... While email and search have struggled, Yahoo's media properties, such as Yahoo Sports, OMG! and Yahoo Finance, are growing. .... Mayer recently halted a plan by Mr. Levinsohn to potentially unload some of its advertising-technology assets ..... she is working to establish a connection with Yahoo's programmers by engaging in regular email discussions with software engineers who don't report to her .... She has asked to approve all company hires ..... has declared that Yahoo's cafeteria food would be free .... has instituted weekly "FYI" meetings—similar to Google's "TGIF" meetings ..... where people can ask her questions and where new hires are announced
I am immensely curious as to what she might do with Yahoo Search. I mean, search is kind of a central activity on the web. And Mayer taking Google head on will be some drama.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Kurt Cobain 1993

Number One Reason I Dig Jackson Heights

New York City is culturally the most diverse city on the planet: people from every little town on the planet are here. Queens is the most diverse borough in New York City. And Jackson Heights is the most diverse locale in Queens.

That is the number one reason I so dig Jackson Heights.

I have to frankly admit that Little India is also part and parcel of the appeal. But although the most happening part of Jackson Heights might look Indian, the locale is big and diverse. There is a huge Hispanic population. People from 50 different countries live here. Most people's idea of Jackson Heights is 74th Street. But the locale stretches all the way to 90th Street or thereabouts.

I guess it is cheaper than Manhattan. But then I know of a ton of Nepalis in Ridgewood on the L line - another Nepali stronghold in the city - who complain of not being able to afford to move to Jackson Heights, which is perceived to be more expensive.

"Ridgewood is a village," some Nepalis in Jackson Heights like to say.

Many events I go to tend to be in Manhattan. Once you get on the E or the F express trains, it is but 10 minutes to the Manhattan border. Long Island City and Jackson Heights are not that far apart when it comes to train distance. It is all in the mind.

Jackson Heights is the biggest train station in Queens. So if your work and life involve ending up in Manhattan often this place is perfect.

If Jackson Heights is like Little India, Flushing is like Little China. I have walked from Jackson Heights to Flushing and back many, many times. That actually is one of my evening walk routes.

Jackson Heights is a city inside a city. You can have a near complete existence here. Broadband takes you everywhere, and you can walk around to seek some clients for whom you might do some tech consulting, some online marketing.

I am looking at a local restaurant - the top Nepali eatery in the city - a law firm and a grocery store to work some internet magic on. It is good to be grounded. It is good to have a few local clients.

And the air around here feels cleaner.

A few days back I discovered the local Buddhist temple while working on this blog post: Jackson Heights: My Neighborhood.

Every evening I have been going to a local mosque for dinner. My lunches have been at the local Gurudwara, both only a few blocks away.

Leave Biological Programming To Allah

When the holy month is over I will start cooking again.

The India-Pakistan partition was a painful experience. There are Pujabis who are Muslim and Punjabis who are Sikhs. There is a Punjab in Pakistan, and one in India. They paid a huge price when the partition happened.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting suspect’s tattoos tell the tale of his white supremacist affiliations

For someone working to launch a microfinance startup, Jackson Heights is as good as it gets. No place in New York City represents the Global South better.

So yesterday I showed up at the Gurudwara for lunch and many elected officials - Congressmen, Comptroller - were holding a press conference in the front. They were there to denounce what happened in Wisconsin.

I had not seen John Liu in a while.

Comparing the Liu Inquiry to a Soldier's Hazing
Chinese-American leaders came to the defense of the embattled city comptroller, John C. Liu, on Thursday, comparing the federal inquiry into his campaign fund-raising to what has been called a hazing campaign before the death of Pvt. Danny Chen. .... Mr. Liu’s campaign fund-raising troubles were fanned by potent forces determined to prevent him from becoming mayor in 2013. ..... invoked Private Chen, a Chinatown native who apparently committed suicide in Afghanistan in October after being subjected to harsh treatment by fellow soldiers .... “I see another assassination. This is a character assassination. Worse than death, you lose your good name.” .... The news conference was the first time some of Mr. Liu’s ardent backers had voiced their support in so public and unified a fashion, after months of what they said was nonstop negative publicity. .... Mr. Liu has not been accused of wrongdoing. .... “This is politics,” said Nora Chang Wang, a commissioner at the Department of Employment under Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. “When people see him as a viable candidate, such a strong solid candidate for that highest position in the city, in a way it’s a threat.” ..... Another former city official, Hugh H. Mo, a lawyer who was a deputy police commissioner under Mayor Edward I. Koch, said Mr. Liu had been denied due process. “I believe it is an effort to destroy John, who really represents the hopes and aspirations of Asian-Americans, and particularly Chinese-American immigrants,” Mr. Mo said. “We take pride in John.” .... the city’s leading Chinese-language newspaper, World Journal, sent three reporters, and two others, Sing Tao Daily and China Press, each sent two
John Liu: Mayor Of NYC: 2013
New York City
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