Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Brazil: Sao Paulo: Adopted City

Brazil's Sao Paulo is the adopted city at this blog for now. Brazil has been the top search term at this blog for the longest time. And this is a tech blog! But I am a global citizen and not complaining. This post consistently gets the most traffic at this blog: Brazil: Sao Paulo: Photos. I hope to take you on some picture tours of the city over time.

Top 10 Things to Do and See in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ibirapuera Park ... Serra da Cantareira ... Parque Zoológico de São Paulo ... Museum of Art of Sao Paulo ... Mercado Municipal ... Carmo Planetarium ... Avenida Paulista & Bixiga ... Teatro Municipal
Things to do in Sao Paulo: 125 Attractions
Sala Sao Paulo ... Pinacoteca do Estado ... Museu da Lingua Portuguesa ... Catavento Cultural ... Teatro Municipal ... Parque do Ibirapuera ... Museum of Football (Museu do Futebol) ... Mosteiro de Sao Bento ... Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo Assis Chateaubriand .... Jardins District ... Estacao Pinacoteca .... Museu Afro Brasil ... Jardim Botanico ... Avenida Paulista ... Banespa Building ... Liberdade
São Paulo Things to Do
Parque Ibirapuera ... Avenida Paulista ... Liberdade - Japan in São Paulo ... Beaches ... Flea markets ... Museu de Arte de São Paulo ... Museu do Ipiranga and more Museums ... Railway station ... Igrejas ... Business District ... Mercado ... Churches ... Embu das Artes ... Stadiums ... Shopping ... Edifícios ... Catedral da Sé ... Pinacoteca ... Parque .. Teatro Municipal and more Theatres ... Praças
Things to do in São Paulo
A Bela Paulista ... Bráz ... Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) ... Parque do Ibirapuera ... Mercado Municipal ... Pinacoteca do Estado ... Museu da Língua Portuguesa ... Gero ... Banespa Skyscraper ... Martín Fierro ... Sujinho ... Estadão ... Ponto Chic ... Piola ... Z-Deli .... Nakasa ... Café Suplicy .. Bienal de São Paulo ... Daslu
10 Must-See Attractions in Sao Paulo
Museum of Art ... Sao Paulo Cathedral ... Bom Retiro and Luz .. Ibirapuera Park .. Vila Olimpia .. Edifício Itália .. Pátio do Colégio .. Vila Madalena and Pinheiros .. Morumbi .. Festivals . Sao Paulo Art Biennial, Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade, Sao Paulo Fashion Week, Sao Paulo International Film Festival and the cream of the crop, Carnival
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The Google Car

Driving a car is just a whole bunch of information processing, if you think about it, like Google did. It is not that big of a leap for the search giant that has long sought to "organize the world's information."

A tech startup with a half million dollar budget could not have attempted this. One thing very impressive about Google is when it was small it tackled small things, when it became big it started looking at big problems. It has innovated at scale. Not that search is small. It is bigger than the car. But you know what I mean.

This car will eliminate stupid road accidents. That's a big one.

Google’s Self-Driving Cars Complete 300K Miles Without Accident, Deemed Ready For Commuting
The cars still need to learn how to handle snow-covered roads, for example, and how to interpret temporary construction signs and other situations that could throw its systems for a loop. ..... has added the Lexus RX450h hybrid car to its self-driving car family .... “One day we hope this capability will enable people to be more productive in their cars”
The self-driving car logs more miles on new wheels

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Reading Every Comment

Fred Wilson writes great blog posts. His style of writing is remarkable. He naturally speaks simply and clearly. That is no small feat for someone who deals with some very complex technology for a living. But as impressive as his blog posts are I think where he truly shines is in his dedication to read every comment anyone ever leaves at his blog. Fred Wilson has not been able to read every email in his inbox in years. But he reads every comment left at his blog. Now you know how to get hold of him!

Fred Wilson: Reading Every Comment
I read every comment left on AVC. .... The community here is large and engaged. They can have a great conversation without me. .... I have long made peace with not reading every email that is sent to me. I bet I don't read more than 25% of the emails sent to me these days. I still manage to read every email my wife and kids send to me. And I still manage to read most of the email my colleagues at USV send to me. And I still manage to read most of the email our portfolio companies send to me. Beyond that, it's a crap shoot
Fred Wilson's Blog: A Gift That Keeps Giving
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Source: TechCrunch

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Full Length Movies On YouTube For Free

If only they had the right pricing model - I vote for $1 per movie - they might not have to take them down. The quality would be better. They'd make money.

How To Watch Full-Length Movies on YouTube for Free - But Not For Long
they’re so-called “cammed” films, which means that they were recorded illegally at a theater with a camcorder, and then uploaded ..... In the last month or so, movie piracy has taken hold of YouTube like wildfire. While the number of current releases is small, finding older films isn’t that hard. ..... YouTube enforces a 10-minute limit on uploaded videos, but users qucikly found they could simply break up longer clips into ten-minute chunks, with helpful pointers to the next clip in the series. .... In 2010, YouTube eliminated that the 10-minute limit for some trusted users, some of whom quickly used their new-found freedom to upload copyrighted clips. .... YouTube users upload 72 hours of video every minute, making the process of identifying copyrighted content even more challenging .... first, that it’s unclear who owns the copyright to a given movie, and second, that Content ID requires the copyright holder to notify Google before a movie can be pulled down .... the poor quality of the movies fooled Content ID
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Been Reading About Blogging

Why Bloggers Should Freelance
freelancing pays. Blogging might or might not pay
Inside the Life of the Other Kind of ProBlogger
what about the other kind of problogger, the one who gets paid simply to write blog posts? You might think of them as freelance bloggers, or staff writers, or maybe you’ve never actually thought about them at all ... ProBlogger job board
Speedlinking – While I was Gone….
5 Blogs You Can’t Live Without
1. Problogger 2. Content Marketing Institute Blog 3. The Sales Lion 4. Copyblogger 5. John Chow dot Com
The 7 Bad Habits of Insanely Productive People
Stay focused, be motivated, get your exercise, floss twice a day and eat your veggies. ..... Most of the successful people I know are sensitive and perceptive. And yes, when they get criticized, they feel like shit... The more progress you make, the thicker your emotional skin will naturally get, because you’ll start to realize that you’re actually doing something that matters, and the peanut gallery isn’t. ..... Sensitivity is an asset, don’t try to beat it out of yourself. .. If you’re stretching yourself, you’ll drop the ball sometimes. .... You’ve got to selfishly draw some lines — around how you’re going to take care of yourself, around how much time you’ll give to your project, around getting enough sleep and taking some time off. ..... unless you’re under ten years old, if you don’t take care of yourself, no one else is going to show up and do it for you. .... It’s ridiculous to burn down your life to create a successful company. Ridiculous and unnecessary and antithetical to success. So don’t. .... (I hate almost all rich people, but I think I’d be darling at it. ~Dorothy Parker) .... The best (and most fun) way to make money is by helping other people … a lot. .... there are no accidental millionaires. The closest we have — lottery winners — rarely manage to keep hold of their wealth. ..... students who had been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were much better at solving creative problems than other students ..... "Although we live in an age that worships attention — when we need to work, we force ourselves to concentrate — this approach can inhibit the imagination. Sometimes it helps to consider irrelevant information, to eavesdrop on all the stray associations unfolding in the far reaches of the brain. Occasionally, focus can backfire and make us fixated on the wrong answers." ..... some of the people you might envy for their laser focus have a hard time seeing the broader picture. They may be executing the hell out of their strategy today … but watch what they do in the long term. .... The more widely you read, look, watch, listen, and think, the more genuinely remarkable ideas you’re going to come up with. .... one marker of a business leader who succeeds over time is what Collins calls “productive paranoia.” ... for an entrepreneur .. a big dose of healthy self-doubt is much more useful. .... Toot your own horn. Admit that you’re kind of a big deal. .... for your project to become truly epic — to help an epic number of people — you’re going to have to get out there and talk it up. Which will make some people uncomfortable.
10 Ways to Get Tons of Massive Comments on Your Blog Every Time
great blog articles ‘stir the pot’, thus causing people to think, question, and have a desire to respond with their own sentiments .... I don’t think the ‘learning’, in most cases, starts until the comment section. The comment section is the place where the community converges and a synergy of diverse thought mixes. ..... the science of commenting on other blogs so as to build awareness, branding, and comment reciprocity. He set commenting goals, did studies, and once even commented on 100 blog articles in a single day. ...... Tristan’s blog took off like a rocket .... goes without saying you should reply to every comment someone leaves on your site .... we can do everything in the world in terms of great networking, but you’ve got to be a thought leader in your niche ..... learn to be the guy or girl that isn’t afraid to have a strong opinion regarding topics in your niche ..... Do you mention others in your blog posts? Do you praise your peers more than you praise yourself? .... at the end of almost all of my articles I’ll ask one or two questions to readers and then say something really silly, like “Remember, comment checks will be sent in the mail every 3rd Friday of the month”
15 Inspired Bloggers Who are Changing the Blogosphere as We Know It
the one component of blogging that I never anticipated, yet by far appreciate the most—the relationships I would form with some incredible people
The Best Blog Posting Schedule Ever: Finally, Proof and Real Numbers!
“We’ve run the numbers, and they’re much better since we started posting twice daily.”
Massive Blog Growth: Do You Really Have the Time it Takes?
after a couple of arduous months of little to no success, the reality of my situation became clear—The comments were few and far between, and I had no community. .... eventually I started to understand principles of blog commenting, networking, and relationships ..... now, roughly 18 months later, the Sales Lion community is rich with a thoughtful and active network of thinkers, movers, and shakers. .... although every new blogger seems to dream of the days when they’re getting 50 and 60 comments per post, I don’t think most understand just what this will mean in terms of time, dedication, and hard work. ..... even though the article was only 14oo words, my replies to all the comments were just a hair under 5000 words
9 Lessons I Learned From the Biggest Blogging Jerk Ever

How To Change Your Bad Blogging Habits

The BackLight
My Report on the First Half of 2012 (and Plans for the Second Half)
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