Tuesday, August 07, 2012

John Chow: Rainmaker Blogger

SEO Takes Care Of Itself

Darren Rowse, the top blogger in the world perhaps, has a Google Plus post on SEO.
While I once did spend more time on SEO (particularly on structuring my site right, getting keyword density up, interlinking my posts lots and quite a bit of researching keywords) I've increasingly found more value in working on other areas of my business and have found that the result in doing so has been that SEO has to some extend looked after itself....... more search traffic to my blogs .. direct traffic, traffic from social, referral traffic .. Understanding the needs, problems and challenges of readers (and potential readers) is key. ..... you're writing on topics people are searching for, it means that when they find your content they are content with it and are more likely to share it (link to it) - all of which helps to increase search rankings/traffic. .... I work hard and getting inside the heads of my readers by surveying them, running polls, running focus groups, asking questions and giving them space to share what they are doing, learning and struggling with. All of these gives me a fantastic picture of how I can serve them better. ...... the creation of content that is both relevant and useful. This is a daily process of writing, commissioning our writers with assignments and editing their work. ..... ensuring high quality of work but also keeping the quantity up .... More articles mean more doorways into the site. ..... Community - giving readers ways and spaces to engage with you and one another brings a blog alive. .... a reader who feels a sense of belonging is much more likely to be sharing links to your blog than one who never interacts .... I spend a lot of time monitoring our site 'outposts' (Facebook, Twitter etc), creating community centred content (discussions, homework/challenges), focusing our team upon our forum area and investing into customer service (I have a dedicated team on this). .... the dPS Email strategy. .... That blog was well optimized for Google and naturally ranked well. The result was 90% of our traffic was Google traffic. All was good until the day came when Google changed its algorithm and the blog all but disappeared from Google. ...... for the next 6 weeks 90% of my traffic (and income) disappeared. It came back almost as quickly as it disappeared 6 weeks later but the experience taught me an important lesson - to work on other traffic strategies. ..... the graphic with the regular spikes and troughs pattern. The troughs are weekends and the spikes.... are newsletter days. .... Our newsletters drive massive traffic to the site. .... While I wouldn't want to loose the search traffic - the site is now at a point where we wouldn't need it to survive because we can now drive our own traffic each week. .... We now have 100,000 Facebook likes on dPS and it too is sending more and more traffic than previously. The same's true for Twitter and even sites like Pinterest. ..... diversifying our focus on multiple forms of traffic (particularly those we have complete control over like email) gives us a much much much stronger foundation than if we only focused our time and energy upon SEO
In short.

(1) Actively seek to understand your reader's needs.
(2) Write quality and quantity.
(3) Build community at the blog. Hello Disqus.
(4) Email/newsletter can be powerful. Facebook and Twitter are useful.
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Monday, August 06, 2012

Internet Marketing For Car Dealerships

Online marketing can work and is crucial for restaurants, for law firms, for grocery stores, and for car dealerships.

Marketing Your Restaurant Online

20 Killer Article Ideas To Get Your Car Dealership Blog Started
I am going to assume that you have already bought into why you should have a blog for your dealership..... Starting a blog is the easy part. The problem is a majority of blogs do not make it to see their 1st birthday because of a lack of vision, process, and content ideas. .... Your future car buyers are going to Google and typing in all the questions they may have about their next vehicle purchase or service. Once Google realizes that you are the authority on these topics you are going to make it rain with the search engines!! ..... Talk to the staff and find out “What are the top 10 questions” customers ask on a regular basis. Do this for sales and service and you will be able to get a list together in no time. ..... Review everything!!! New car comes out.. Review it! New option comes out..Review it (Navigation, Blue Tooth, Iphone App). Online shoppers will add the word “review” to the end of all kinds of search queries. ..... fresh original content
Car Dealer Internet Marketing
So, you have a strong dealership Facebook page...
Why Google+ Business Pages Cannot Be Dismissed
The Three Keys to Automotive SEO Under Penguin
The 6 keys to brand messaging through social media
The Single Most Important Thing Businesses Can Do To Improve Their Search Rankings
What the "Willys Jeep" Post Tells Us About Content Marketing for SEO
Search Engine Optimization is Dying. Wait, No It's Not.
(lack of) Speed Kills as 1 in 4 Abandon Websites that take over 4 Seconds to Load
Virality: The Value of Pinterest for Car Dealers
Leveraging Trends On Your Homepage and Social Media Can Create Buyers
Instead Of Marketing, Businesses Should Be Using Social Media For Customer Support
The 6 Basic Components of Modern Automotive SEO
Twitter is Too Easy to Ignore
Social Business: Why the Automotive Industry Should Be in this Infographic
Automotive Digital Marketing Professional Community
Dealer Marketing
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Lethargic Academia, Fast Media

Image representing Mendeley as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase
Doctors are stereotypically smart people. But health care sucks when it comes to use of IT. How do you explain that? That also applies to academia. Academics are even more stereotypically smart than doctors. But they lag behind when it comes to use of IT. That is a disservice. Because service is affected.

Mendeley injects some pace into academia with fast, big data
managing documents online is a pretty busy space right now ... Mendeley .... the site has become a big hit with academics and researchers, signing up nearly 2 million members from universities and institutions all over the world, because it allows them to keep tabs on all the research papers, documents and files ..... “The biggest problem in academia is the long waiting time: it can take three to five years from the time you have done research to get it published — all the decisions you make in an academic career are based around that time lag” ....... Between them, the site’s members have uploaded some 260 million documents, representing around 65 million unique research papers and studies — around 50 percent larger than any of the existing commercial databases. By mining those documents and watching activity around them, Mendeley’s able to help institutions understand the trends as they emerge… not years afterwards. ...... get to life-changing discoveries faster .... ResearchGate ... Digital Science
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A Gaming Amazon

Amazon is one of those companies that has built such a strong infrastructure that they feel they can go into anything and everything. Apple is doing tablets? We will do it. Zynga is doing gaming? We will do it.

Amazon jumps into games: New studio makes its debut with a Facebook game
Amazon Game Studios ... launched the studio’s first social game on Facebook .... Amazon’s first social game is called Living Classics

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