Saturday, August 04, 2012

Apple Slowing Down?

You can put out only so many iterations of the iPhone and the iPad. And I don't think an iTV is in the works. So what's next? Is there no next? Has Apple reached its pinnacle? Is Apple going to now see a lost decade?

I'd not count out Apple so fast. It is an amazing company, it has been. And the iPhone and the iPad still have a few years' of air in their sails. But it is hard for me to see what fundamental product it might bring out in, say, three years that might be as much a departure as the iPhone was when it came out.

Apple’s revenue growth slowdown is fast – and global
Everyone knew that those growth rates simply had to come down, but the speed of the slowdown is a shock. .... not only is Apple falling off its March quarter growth faster than expected, the rapid cooling is evident simultaneously in North America, Europe and Asia — all major regions .... Perhaps the phenomenal strength of the Samsung Galaxy S III in June and July finally dented Apple’s smartphone momentum measurably. Samsung hit the 10 million unit sales mark in two months this summer ... Apple is now facing the Skylla and Charybdis of the European debt crisis and Samsung’s emergence as a real rival. We may well finally see some real iPhone price aggression from Apple in emerging markets come next winter

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I Told You So: RIM To Android

A few days back I blogged saying if RIM wants to survive it should consider switching to Android. (RIM's Options, RIM's Waterloo)And now news is they are doing so. I am not saying I am the reason. Although it is mainstream practice for companies to follow chatter around them in the blogosphere and elsewhere. And it is not even that novel a thought. I am sure many people on the RIM team might have brought it up in internal meetings a long time ago. But I am glad to be in consonance.

It could modify Android if it wants, although why would you? Just because Amazon did it for the tablet does not mean.

Wait I wore the hat all wrong. It is past sense. RIM considered a switch to Android. And decided against it.

RIM CEO says company ‘seriously’ considered switch to Android
RIM took a long, hard look at migrating to Android before deciding to plow forward with BlackBerry 10. .... “We took the conscious decision not to go Android,” Heins told the Telegraph. ”If you look at other suppliers’ ability to differentiate, there’s very little wiggle room. We looked at it seriously — but if you understand what the promise of BlackBerry is to its user base it’s all about getting stuff done. Games, media, we have to be good at it but we have to support those guys who are ahead of the game. Very little time to consume and enjoy content — if you stay true to that purpose you have to build on that basis. And if we want to serve that segment we can’t do it on a me-too approach.”

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This Is Now

Daiane Conterato modeling for Huis Clos, Fall ...
Daiane Conterato modeling for Huis Clos, Fall 2008 Sao Paolo Fashion Week (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Instagram is a mobile app, true. But there is so much it has to offer the web.

'This Is Now': Watch the world in real time via Instagram photos
A new service called This is Now lets you see the world through Instagram's eyes. All you have to do is pick one of five major cities (New York, Sao Paolo, London, Tokyo, or Sydney), and you're instantly immersed in a beautiful real-time visualization of Instagram photos from those locations. Once you start watching, it's hard to pull yourself away..... uses the Instagram API to access Instagram's photos. .... The tool streams photos instantly as soon as they are uploaded on Instagram and captures a city's movement, in a fluid story

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Marketing Your Restaurant Online

Himalayan Yak Restaurant

Online marketing for restaurants is like online marketing for many other things, but with a slight twist. Most people care about food. And you are talking about an experience here. Some cherished memories are made when you sit with someone across a table.

9 Companies Doing Social Media Right and Why
#8: San Chez Bistro ..... San Chez Bistro is a tapas bistro and restaurant in Grand Rapids, Michigan...... they’ve taken social media and infused it with the needs and preferences of their local audience. San Chez encourages their patrons to use Twitter to reserve a seat at their restaurant. They call it “Tweet-Ahead Seating” and it’s a great use of social media local marketing. Once you tweet your interest in a reservation, the online hostess tweets you back with a message similar to this: “Great, you’re on the list. See you in a little while.” ..... With the number of smartphones on the rise, San Chez knows they can reach even more potential customers if they make access to their restaurant easy and quick. By combining smartphone capabilities, social media and local marketing, they were able to create an extremely successful marketing campaign online. ...... utilizes Foursquare to gain even greater viral visibility. ..... fun for the fan and powerful exposure for the physical business .... San Chez Bistro has customized their Foursquare page, making it easy for patrons to see the incentive for checking in
Marketing Your Restaurant Online Without a Website
The interest in finding restaurants online is growing at a staggering rate! .... So how do you get your piece of this pie? The first step is to have an online presence. .... The most important aspect of web advertisement is getting the attention of search engines. You want your potential and repeat customers to be able to find you easily if they cannot remember your web address. ..... have your restaurant mentioned on as many websites as possible with a link to your menu ..... Blogs are a good place to start. Blogs are web sites that are actively being updated and commented on and Google loves them. Find blogs about restaurants, restaurant reviews or your local area and then make comments relevant to the subject. Make sure to mention your restaurant and give out your web address
Top 3 Online Restaurant Marketing Tools for 2012
Foursquare, Facebook and OpenTable .... Foursquare and Facebook are growing in importance. .... a good website is the central piece of a restaurant’s online marketing strategy. Start there and then incorporate other platforms. ..... Foursquare is our first choice because restaurant owners can run a deal over Foursquare for free. After a restaurant owner claims their venue, it is easy to set up a deal (you are allowed two at a time). Foursquare users in your area will see the deal and this will drive traffic to your restaurant. It’s free and if you have any interest in appealing to customers under 35 (the Foursquare demographic), you should post a deal on Foursquare. ...... Facebook is the center of the social media universe. Half of your customers are on it if not more. There is a lot to Facebook, but there are two aspects central to a restaurant marketing. The first is a restaurant’s Facebook Page ..... Your Facebook Page is a place to convey information, represent your brand, and most importantly, engage with customers. If managed correctly, your Facebook Fans can become like a second email list. The difference is that it will be interactive. The interactive component allows for deeper engagement with your current customers. ...... Facebook Ads .. Facebook Ads are getting better too, so if you need an extra push, you should look into ..... A set-it-and-forget-it attitude will be more damaging in the future. More of your competitors are learning the value of online marketing, so just being present won’t do the trick anymore. You will have to invest either your time or money into online marketing to not be left behind
Online Marketing for Restaurants
5 Online Marketing Strategies Every Restaurateur Should Know About
In recent years, a number of hyperlocal platforms have stepped in to make it easier for independent restaurateurs to develop websites, manage social media, and cultivate better relationships with their customers online. ..... restaurant owners should focus on creating simple websites that run quickly on a variety of mobile devices ...... Offer a call to action. Hundreds of online visitors may click on a typical restaurant’s website each day, but what turns those online visitors into real customers is a definitive call to action. The most successful calls to action use limited-time deals and discounts — usually posted on a restaurant’s website, Facebook page, or Twitter feed — as a way to encourage people to get on their feet and get inside a restaurant’s doors. ...... The number one thing that diners look for when they search for restaurant information online is a current menu — just ahead of a telephone number, address, and photo of the establishment. ...... Solicit anonymous feedback from customers. ..... Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter should be a major part of any local restaurant’s online marketing campaign
Restaurant Online Marketing
when I am consulting with many restaurant owners. I teach them the techniques, they acknowledge them and recognize that they make sense and should work, and then... nothing happens. They are so busy running their daily operations (even if the restaurant is half-empty), and complaining about the economy that they don't have any time or energy left to take any action and improve their business. Successful marketing means connecting with customers and understanding their feedback ...... most of your customers access, or have access to, the Internet. ..... And yet, most of the restaurateurs are doing next to nothing to promote their business online. ...... People, (and not only young people, this also includes your potential customers) go online to look for places to eat. No more browsing in the paper ads, or opening the thick yellow book. No Sire. ...... Your customers are not looking for your restaurants where you advertise, they are looking online. They use the Web to search for the best places to eat. ...... have a great website with lots of useful information, promote your business online, where your customers are ..... Make everybody who goes to eat at your place very happy. Exceed their expectations. Deal with any potential issue generously and never, ever argue with a client, even if they are wrong. ...... they don't care about flashy ads in newspapers, radio, or magazines. They just Google "Italian Restaurant" or "Thai Restaurant" and read the reviews...... Does your restaurant have a good website? If so, are you capturing your customers' information? Are you emailing your customers with offers and information to keep your restaurant fresh in their minds? Emailing them a coupon and invite them to come over when it's their Birthday or Anniversary? ...... are you maximizing the Social Networks such as Twitter or Facebook to promote your restaurant? If not, you should. The only investment that you have to make is your time, and they can have a tremendous impact in your business...... Online Restaurant Directories Marketing ... Restaurant Website Marketing .... Restaurant Social Media Marketing ... Restaurant Email Marketing ..... Delegation is perhaps one of the most underused and underestimated techniques. If there are people who can do things better than you, you shouldn't waste your time struggling with those tasks. ...... leaving these tasks that you don't like, or don't know how to do, to an expert
Top 10 Web Site Mistakes That Restaurants Make
Your full address and phone number should be on the top or bottom of every page. ...... Your menu is the number one thing that customers look for at a restaurant web site. ..... there should be a printable version of the menu available as well, perhaps in a PDF format. Exceed your web site customer's expectations by posting the most effective menu presentation possible. ..... Nothing else can convey the brand image of your restaurant better on your site than quality photography. ..... Photos of your food, your interior and exterior, as well as your people can make a major impact. ....... Time and again, I encounter restaurant sites with no evidence that any real people work there. This is amazing to me because your people are your restaurant. ...... your goal should be to answer every email inquiry that comes into your restaurant within 24 hours (or sooner). Emails, like phone calls are business leads, and customers taking the time to email are serious about contacting your restaurant. ..... Is someone dedicated to responding to incoming email messages? If not, go disconnect your phone as well -it's really the same thing. ..... At minimum, you should have a form on your site for customers to sign up for a newsletter or event information. Follow up with regular, timely emails to your list. ..... Upscale food, but low scale graphics and site design. It happens all the time on the web. Your cousin's friend could build your web site 10 years ago, but not today. ...... Your restaurant's web site should sell for you 24/7 with no breaks ... The best restaurant web sites look at their Internet program as an integrated marketing and sales tool. They do things like take reservations, sell merchandise, help book private parties and catering, and promote gift cards. Is your site selling for you? If not, then you've got some work to do

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Imran Khan: Videos

Imran Khan: Videos (18)

Imran Khan

Imran Khan: Videos (17)

Imran Khan