Thursday, December 01, 2011

Shakira Or Hydroelectricity?

ShakiraCover of ShakiraSeveral months back I mentioned at this blog that I had been approached by a group in Kathmandu who wanted Shakira perform there. But they never really followed through. I think they considered her too big a ticket item and perhaps not affordable, or whatever.

Doubling Down On Tech Consulting
US Royalty: Staying Together

But recently I have been approached by another group that wants to build a six plus megawatt hydroelectric dam in Nepal north of Kathmandu pretty close to the Chinese border. This is a bigger, better deal than the Shakira deal might have been. And done right this could be the first of many deals. If you know investors who might be interested in hydroelectric dams in Nepal, let me know. This also allows me to be part of Nepal's economic revolution, its next challenge after the political revolution of a few years back.

Why do I mention this?

I blog profusely. But I don't want the label of a blogger, a writer. I am a consultant with a few different hats who happens to blog. Blogging is working out for the mind and I recommend it to everyone. I exercise regularly, but I don't want to be called a bodybuilder. I think everyone but everyone needs to exercise. The networking I have done so far in the NY tech ecosystem I could not have done if it were not for this blog.

March 8, 2012: Next Immigration Court Date

I am going to be a tech entrepreneur once the immigration gestapo in this fucking country finally lets me, but until then I consult. And it has been interesting. Primarily I do tech consulting. But I stay open to business opportunities otherwise. An entrepreneur is a jack of all trades who assembles masters in their specific fields. I be Jack.
Hydroelectric damImage via Wikipedia
Cruise Ship Coding
Looking For Holiday Parties To Go To

Nepal is second only to Brazil in terms of hydropotential. And it is a country mired in massive power cuts. And neighboring India growing at China like rates has a massive thirst for electricity.

Why This Kolaveri Di (3)

Why This Kolaveri Di Dance By The Japanese
Why This Kolaveri Di

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why This Kolaveri Di Dance By The Japanese

Why This Kolaveri Di

Big Data: Big News

Those who think GOOG is a one trick search pony, checkout GFS, BigTable, MapReduce, Tenzing, etc. These are the building blocks of Big Data
Nov 30 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

I am no pioneer to this observation, neither is this guy above. But it is so obvious Big Data is in the wings. Big Data will gather buzz like social has been the buzz for a few years now.

Looking For Holiday Parties To Go To

December in this city has that summer quality. Summer is a happening time. There are all sorts of events all over the city. But then December is also really something. There is something about the Holiday season. It is that mood that people get into.

I love festivals like some people love birthday parties. Like I love Google like some people love Apple. I went to some good Holiday parties last year. And I have not started looking yet, but I am looking forward to going to some good Holiday parties this year too.

Bring it on.

Holiday Parties Most Days
NYTM After Party: Is It A Holiday Parteeeey!
A Christmas tree inside a home.Image via WikipediaDigital Dumbo Holiday Party
Blip.TV: How Do They Ever Get Anything Done?
Just Found Out Mike Hudack Is Also A High School Dropout

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cruise Ship Coding

I came across this article at Ars Technica. But I have been thinking along these lines on my own before that. But I have not been thinking a cruise ship. I have been thinking an island, a country in the Caribbean. If you have 250 people in India, 10 people on an island in the Caribbean, and two people in NYC, you can give your clients also face time. Some of them might want to fly four hours to meet your 10 person near local team.

I already have major teams in Bangalore, in Gujrat, and in Kathmandu. My lead techie is a former Cisco guy with a degree from Brown. I have smaller teams in Delhi, Calcutta and Kathmandu.

When you can't do the tech startup thing - thanks to the immigration gestapo - you do the tech consulting thing.
Ars Technica: Startup hopes to hack the immigration system with a floating incubator: Some of the Silicon Valley's most important companies, including Intel, Google, and Yahoo, were cofounded by immigrants. Yet America's creaky immigration system makes it difficult for talented young people born outside of the United States to come to the Bay Area. There have been various proposals to make it easier for immigrant entrepreneurs to come to the United States, but they've made no progress in Congress. ....... So a new company called Blueseed is seeking to bypass the political process and solve the problem directly. Blueseed plans to buy a ship and turn it into a floating incubator anchored in international waters off the coast of California. .......
My idea is better. An island nation is cheaper and more "real" than a cruise ship. I wouldn't want my coders to feel like I have shunted them into a submarine.