Friday, October 28, 2011

Mike Arrington: Idiot

Mike Arrington: "I don't know a single black entrepreneur ... There aren't any .... Silicon Valley is a meritocracy. Success here depends solely on your brain size and how you use it."

CNN: War of words breaks out over Silicon Valley diversity debate

Mike Arrington is an absolute, total motherfucker. There is no other adjective for this guy. This guy is like, okay, noone is talking about me anymore. The AOL thing, well, people have already moved past that. I no long write for TechCrunch. So I don't have any comments to read. What do people think? That I have disappeared? I have not. Here, let me make a blatantly racist comment and get back in the news. And so it goes.

Arrington, Calm The F____ Down
Tech, Women, Diversity
Race, Gender, Tech (2)
Race, Gender, Tech

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Robert Scoble Now Following Me On FoodSpotting

54 Followers On Angel List

Should I follow him back? I thought for about five seconds. And followed him back!

My FoodSpotting Photos Are Being Viewed
FoodSpotting Follows Me On Twitter

How To Recommit Facebook To The Power Users

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBaseThe Telegraph: Facebook power users 'have gone to Google+ and Twitter'

I would be a power user. I am on Facebook every day. And since the revamp I have been getting a lot of news out of my Facebook timeline. After I read, I like to share. I read a lot, I share a lot.

And I feel anxious. I wonder if I am being seen too often in the timelines of my friends. I wonder if I am reading too many news articles and am flooding my profile page.

My Take On AirTime (2)

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBaseMy Take On AirTime
Sean Parker's AirTime Could Net Him Tens Of Billions
Sean Parker: Mystery Man

What happens when you let a billion stranger faces collide? That is group dynamics heaven.

It has to start at the random connection level. There is a random face, there is no user name. And there is the next button.

2010: Location, Random Connections, The Inbox, Frictionless Payments

The social graph of AirTime is going to be the mother of all social graphs. (I borrowed that phrase from Saddam Hussein who used to talk in terms of the mother of all battles.)

But then you don't want it to be completely random. I should be able to say narrow my pool down to people in New York City who are interested in technology. So it's still random, but it is random inside a particular city, and to a particular topic of interest.

And the block feature. You block someone you meet and you never have to see them again. And if that person gets 99 other blocks by other people, he/she (likely he) gets booted off the service. A good use would be to get rid of the penis problem. An abuse case will be ethnicities that hate each other. I don't like your kind. Off you go into oblivion and loneliness.

People, simply use the next button.

Suddenly the remotest town on earth (with broadband) is going to feel like a metropolis. You can meet as many people as you want. An end to loneliness as we know it.