Wednesday, August 03, 2011

BMW Guggenheim Lab: Movies

BMW Guggenheim Lab

August 3, Wednesday, 6 PM: Blank City
August 7, Sunday, 6 PM: Last Address and Wild Combination
August 10, Wednesday, 6 PM: Chain
August 13, Saturday, 12 PM: The NY Leftover Bailout: My Brooklyn
August 24, Wednesday, 6 PM: Garbage Dreams
August 27, Saturday, 7 PM: A Conversation and Screening with Clayton Patterson
August 28, Sunday, 6 PM: Flow

September 7, Wednesday, 6 PM: The Garden
September 11, Sunday, 6 PM: NY Export: Opus Jazz
September 14, Wednesday, 6pm: The Price of Sugar, 6 PM: Charlie Ahearn Hip-Hop Short Films
September 17, Saturday, 6 PM: The City Dark
September 18, Sunday, 6 PM: Zero Percent
September 21, Wednesday, 1 PM: Short Takes on the Solidarity Economy, 6 PM: The Take
September 28, Wednesday, 6 PM: The Pruitt-Igoe Myth

October 5, Wednesday, 6 PM: End of Suburbia
October 9, Sunday, 6 PM: Streetfilms at the Lab
October 12, Wednesday, 6 PM: Bogotá Change

BMW Guggenheim Lab

Image representing Plancast as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBaseOnce in a while on PlanCast an event shows up that looks like everyone in town is going to. This BMW Guggenheim Lab event is the same way. And it seems to go on for six weeks. There are lots of movies, first thing I noticed.

And it is a topic of great interest to me, the idea of reimagining this amazing city.

Wait, it's not six weeks, more like 10 weeks. This goes on and on and on.

New York City

I think visually. At high school this dude who was one year senior to me said he remembered names but forgot faces. I thought that was the weirdest thing to say. At college my first good friend Beth asked me, "But if you know so many languages, what is the language you think in?" I was confused. But I don't think in languages, I thought. Movies speak to me at that level. Movies are great mind food for minds that think primarily visually.

Thelma & Louise

One badass movie. A lot of action. Walked over to Little India afterwards.

Thelma Louise panel @ 92Y Tribeca. Movie was sheer fun. 2nd time seeing.less than a minute ago via txt Favorite Retweet Reply

Monday, August 01, 2011

The Future Of War

Fast Company: The DIY Terminator: Private Robot Armies And The Algorithm-Run Future Of War

Adobe Was Always Going To Do HTML5

Logo of Adobe Systems IncorporatedImage via WikipediaI am not at all surprised that Adobe is getting into HTML5. It never was Flash versus HTML5 for Adobe, even when Steve Jobs suggested it was so.

Verdict: The iPhone Is Not Open, Flash Is Not Cutting Edge
HTML 5 And Online Video

Also Mark Zuckerberg's response to Google Plus can not be Facebook News, it has to be HTML5. HTML5 is what will finally eat the iPhone's lunch.

Apple Going After Google's Cloud? Facebook Going After Apple With HTML5
Fred Wilson On Android And HTML5
HTML 5 And The Small Screen
Facebook's Next Major Breakthrough

The idea that you have to create one app for the iPhone and another for Android and a third one for Blackberry, and another for a Windows phone, not to say for the iPad, that is just weird.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

One House Got Trashed

Ghost?!Image via WikipediaIn one of the greatest novels of all time - One Hundred Years Of Solitude - there is this village that is so new that not one person has died yet. And then one day that first person to die dies. That is what I am getting reminded of with the Airbnb scandal. It is not even a scandal. Have perspective, people. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened. The important thing is the right follow up takes place. The police get to do the follow up. Airbnb does the right follow up. And next.
USA Today: Plot thickens in Airbnb vacation rental horror story: a San Francisco blogger named "EJ" wrote a riveting account of how she returned from a week-long business trip last month to find that her home had been ransacked and trashed by a paying guest she'd connected with through the online rental agency Airbnb
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