Monday, July 30, 2012

The Real Reason Apple Is Suing

Apple is a closed system, kind of like the Soviet Union was. And closed systems have huge disadvantages compared to open systems when it comes to innovation. Closed systems are destined to lose.

Apple is not going to become open. And so it is going to lose. It already has lost the smartphone war.

And so it has resorted to the tactic used by non innovators. You go to court. You sue.
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The Smartphone Is A Frying Pan

You should not be able to patent a frying pan. Like farms are a category. Hand looms are a category. The PC is a category.

The PC Was A Category And Could Not Have Been Patented

There were music players before the iPod. How come Apple did not get sued?

And if it is about "look and feel" like Apple claims, rumor has it the next iPhone is going to have a larger screen and it is going to look like the large Samsung phones. Talk about look and feel.

Key Witness No Longer Works at Apple, Doesn’t Want to Testify at Samsung Trial
Shin Nishibori, the Apple designer whose Sony-infused iPhone designs have become a central issue in the Samsung patent case, apparently has no plans to testify in the upcoming trial. ..... The lawyer said Nishibori no longer works at Apple, and is in Hawaii, “trying to recover from several health issues.” ..... It was Nishibori who created a series of designs in 2006 that show what a Sony-like iPhone might look like, allegedly at the direction of Apple design chief Jony Ive. ..... Nishibori’s designs show that Sony influenced the iPhone design that Samsung is accused of copying. ...... Apple would not make Nishibori available for months, noting that he was on a leave of absence. ..... Samsung submitted Twitter postings from Nishibori, in which he talked of world travel and running 10K races. Samsung eventually took his deposition in May 2012
Samsung Makes Another Case to Have Apple’s “Sony Style” Put Before Jury
Apple’s iPhone was heavily influenced by Sony. ..... the iPhone project changed direction based on things that Apple learned from news articles about where Sony was headed ..... Samsung claims Apple tried to delay Samsung learning about the extent of the Sony influence on the iPhone, and says the California company shouldn’t be rewarded for its tactics. ..... “Apple’s ‘iconic’ iPhone was conceived as part of a study of Sony designs that was ordered by Apple executives,” Samsung said in the filing. “It took Samsung four separate court orders — three from this Court and one from the International Trade Commission — compelling Apple to produce the testimony and documents that are the subject of Apple’s motion before Apple finally disclosed it. ...... Samsung argues that it tried for months to take the deposition of Apple designer Shin Nishibori, but Apple said he was on a leave of absence and unavailable. ..... Prior to the work by the Apple designer, the company was pursuing a separate design approach, known as “extrudo,” while its later work (and the eventual iPhone) more closely resembles the “Sony style” design. ..... Apple hopes to avoid public disclosure of the full, detailed story of how the iPhone in its present form came to be.”

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It Is About Google As Much As Samsung

Image representing Android as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase
And Google has to beat Apple like it beat Oracle. Common sense makes for justice.

Samsung Case Is a Proxy for Google
Dispute Between Apple and Samsung Is Proxy for Broader Mobile Operating-System War ..... elephant in the room: Google ..... a global attack on Samsung and other handset makers that use Google's Android software. ..... Android the No. 1 smartphone operating system ..... Apple's approach also opens up the possibility of getting the International Trade Commission—which often rules more quickly than federal courts—to halt sales of devices found to infringe Apple's patents. ..... alleging that Apple is violating Samsung's own patents related to how phones communicate and three patents concerning how phones handle pictures and music. ..... a pivotal moment in the smartphone market, with Samsung extending its lead in the lucrative business. .... The Samsung devices that are at issue in the trial are being, or have already been, phased out. ..... Apple is asserting that Samsung devices violate a greater number of features related to Android, including swiping to unlock the device, auto-correcting text and searching from a unified search box. Samsung is countering with claims that Apple infringed on its wireless telecommunications technology and other features. ..... Judge Koh this summer granted a preliminary injunction against Samsung's Galaxy Nexus phone in the case, though an appeals court later stayed the order. Google said that it has a workaround for the search-related patent Apple cited in the case. ...... Motorola is asserting that Apple violated several patents related to wireless standards, the same type of patents that Samsung is using in its defense against Apple.
Android was conceived before the iOS. How about that?

Apple does not do hardware. FoxConn does that for them. Maybe Apple should consider going back into manufacturing if it really wants to compete with Samsung.

This is Apple acting Soviet.

Is The Latest Apple-Samsung Court Case Really All About Google?
legal representatives from Google will be dotted around the court room when things kick off later this morning
Oracle's Larry Ellison also asked for two billion in damages. What is it about Android?

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Even Dave Says Hello

Yahoo hiring Marissa Mayer is as big if not a bigger deal than when it acquired Flickr.

Pink is the New Purple! Dear Marissa: Think Different.
its amazing assets in content, communications, and community around the world. The last really bold move Yahoo made was probably acquiring Flickr .... frequent & broad usage all over the world. ..... What if Yahoo began acquiring or partnering with properties specifically relevant to women, like Pinterest, ShoeDazzle, Gilt Groupe, BabyCenter, Oprah, People, Etsy, Ellen Degeneres, Martha Stewart (or Zynga (which appeals to mostly women)
Think different makes sense. Think pink is an iffy suggestion. Frankly, it is sexist.

If it is about women - it is not, it is about Yahoo's shareholders, employees, users - the best thing Marissa Mayer can do is be the best CEO she can be. When the announcement was made women across the country spent the night reading up everything they could possibly find on her online. That's impact.

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Free Food Goes A Long Way

It is not really a budget issue, so I don't see why more companies don't do it. Another good one is the 20% time. A third is child care.

This free food thing was a great early step to take. So simple, so obvious, so visible. It will garner headlines.

In Week Two, Marissa Mayer Googifies Yahoo: Free Food! Friday Afternoon All-Hands! New Work Spaces! Fab Swag!
a weekly Friday afternoon all-hands meeting ...... Mayer is also prepping major changes to the layout of the work spaces and buildings of Yahoo to make it feel more collaborative and cool, as well as upgrading swag in its stores..... Such focus on improving cultural issues is an interesting initial move by the neophyte CEO, since the care and feeding and, most of all, cosseting of employees has been a critical element to Google’s success at creating an always sunny work environment. ..... “It might be just a small thing, but people are thrilled,” said one Yahoo employee, in a common sentiment about the symbolic gesture of free grub...... Mayer has been up to much more serious business.. most especially pushing product innovation as the savior for Yahoo to anyone who will listen. ...... Better email! Better Flickr! Better search! Better ad-serving! ..... “This is the sound of Yahoo becoming a technology company again.... It will be all about platforms and products.” ..... a big splashy tech or product deal in the days ahead, perhaps via an acquisition to signal the new direction. ..... Will Mayer, as Google CEO Larry Page has done forever, approve all hires at Yahoo going forward? ..... Mayer has been studying org charts carefully this past week, and several sources told me that she has asked all her direct reports for strategic plans in the next 45 days.
Jack Dorsey got elbowed out of the CEO position at Twitter by Evan Williams. Months later Dorsey said he should have had weekly team meetings.

Flat workspaces are another thing. No cubicles. Just one big, open space.

You want your people to be happy.

I asked for a free Flickr, (Make Flickr Free Again) but got free food instead.

Of all the Google things, the 20% time I find the most intriguing. That is Google's elixir of youth. That is the reason why when Google becomes bigger it tackles bigger problems instead of going staid and corporate.

Free lunch in week two is a master stroke.

What will be Mayer's first acquisition? I bet many minds are asking that question. Flipboard would make a lot of sense.

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