Monday, October 24, 2011

My Number One Feature Request For Google Plus: Blogger Integration

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseIs now on the way.

Google Plus: What Went Wrong?

It is one of those moments where you feel like maybe you had a little something to do with it. I did blog about it only a few days back.

Google Plus is not a rich blogging platform. But Google Plus has a rich, open social graph that Blogger does not have. I want to use Blogger to put out blog posts, and I want to use Google Plus as if it were the comments sections to my blog posts. That would be a great combo.

Considering I am an avid blogger - I blog daily, usually multiple times a day - this one feature might turn me into an avid user of Google Plus. So far I have not been.

Good things happen to those who wait. And vent on their blogs.

TechCrunch: Google+ To Integrate With Blogger

Events: Week Of October 24

Monday, October 24
7:30 PM Trio Con Brio Copenhagen
Advent Lutheran Church, 2504 Broadway (at 93rd St)
1/2/3 to 96th St

Tuesday, October 25
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM InsideTrack with President Stephen J Friedman: “Creative Destruction”— Innovation in America and China.
Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts, Pace University, 3 Spruce Street
There will be a simulcast of the event at 7:00 p.m. in the Gottesman Room on the Pleasantville campus. Pizza will be served.
4/5/6 Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall

9:00 PM - 11:00 PM Baratunde Thurston: Stand-Up Comedy
Bar 82, 136 2nd Ave (at St. Marks) 4/6 to Astor Pl Baratunde Is Funny

Wednesday, October 26
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM ERA Halloween Party at Webster Hall
Webster Hall, 125 E 11th St, Marlin Room
4/5/6 Astor Pl

Untitled from ER Accelerator on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 27
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Digital Dumbo
155 Water Street, Brooklyn
F to York St

Friday, October 28
4:00 PM - 10:00 PM Halloween is Happening
Trinity Churchyard, Broadway at Wall Street
In the event of rain, Family Fun and the Haunted Hamilton Happy Hour will be held on the 2nd Floor of 74 Trinity Place, accessible via the pedestrian bridge behind Trinity Church.

"Insuring" Angel Investors

An assortment of United States coins, includin...Image via WikipediaThe idea behind insurance is that you pay for auto insurance, I pay for auto insurance, and so do a million other people. Not a million get into accidents. When a few do, it is paid for by all collectively.

Angel investors get screwed by established venture capitalists routinely. In the later rounds the VCs hog the negotiations in ways that people who believed in you early end up getting the short shift. You end up not making money even when the startup does well.

And then there is the no small matter of losing your money entirely because the startup you invested in went down.

It is a numbers game. Startups are known to go down. The best VCs expect at least one third of their startups to go down. And at the outset they have no idea which one third.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

US Royalty: Staying Together

_MG_2649.jpgImage by cesareperdomo via Flickr_MG_2411.jpgImage by cesareperdomo via Flickr
US RoyaltyImage by Lynt via Flickr
Tinted Windows @ Black CatImage by _rockinfree via Flickr
One of the mesmerizing aspects of U2 for me - a group dynamics person - is that they have stayed together as a band, and if they have managed that so far, it probably is too late for them to break up now, or 10 years from now.

How did they do that?

To be able to find the right founding members, and to stick it out, year in year out. How many tech startups can make that boast? It takes a lot. How do you maintain a fiery pace of innovation? And how do you stick it out as a team?

That's an art. That's science.
Tinted Windows @ Black CatImage by _rockinfree via Flickr
If the US Royalty are who I think they are, they will still be one band 20 years from now. And if they are not together 10 years from now I am going to think I bet on the wrong horse. Oh, well.

As of last night I have talked to three of the four. ("Hi, I am John." "I know.") I am going to track down the drummer also somewhere down the line. I'm sure they will be back in town soon enough.
...... singer John Thornley, guitarist Paul Thornley, bassist Jacob Michael, and drummer Luke Adams.
Happy 4th From My Friend Luke
_MG_2458.jpgImage by cesareperdomo via Flickr
And, by the way, they eat organic food. That should help them stay together. I asked Paul, you are on the road often, how does that impact your personal life? Oh, it's hard, he said, it's like going into the military, but I have a girlfriend.

Bono is married to his high school sweetheart.

The Beatles had a John and a Paul, and the US Royalty have a John and a Paul, only these two are brothers.

US (Bloody) Royalty!

Most epic band I saw at #cmj goes to @usroyalty. I saw Jesus during "the desert can't save you"
Oct 22 via Twitter for AndroidFavoriteRetweetReply

@usroyalty best band at cmj @ Brooklyn Bowl
Oct 21 via InstagramFavoriteRetweetReply

Checking out @USRoyalty do a killer show during #CMJ. --Taylor
Oct 22 via Twitter for iPhoneFavoriteRetweetReply

Foster The People, US Royalty
Brooklyn Bowl: Thursday: US Royalty
Music Bands, Tech StartUps: Much In Common
US Royalty
Think Different