Friday, December 17, 2010

Yahoo Doldrums

Image representing Carol Bartz as depicted in ...Image via CrunchBaseMike Arrington has relentlessly gone after Carol Bartz from day one. Some of that I have attributed to sexism. Some I have attributed to the media's need for conflict and drama: that is partly how they generate page hits. Some I have attributed to Mike angling to get bought by Yahoo's rival AOL: that happened. But Yahoo does have serious problems.

Yahoo's problem is not that it is not number one, or that it is not going to get back the crown. Yahoo's problem has been that it has messed up being number two. Yahoo bought Flickr, and look at Facebook: photo sharing is the number one thing that happens on Facebook.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Parties Most Days

December is the cruelest month
But this time for once my cheeks are warm
- The Waterboys

There are so many Holiday Parties going on in startup land. I have been to so many already, with so many more lined up.

Digital Dumbo Holiday Party

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Education Is Media, Action Is Thought

Watch live streaming video from paleycenter at

(Source: AVC)

In this video that I first came across here, and then the money quote - like Fred Wilson might put it - that I came across here first, Fred Wilson says Education is media.