Monday, December 06, 2010

Nexus S Is Da Bomb

Google: Nexus

Nexus S

If Google could only go into the wireless broadband supported by ads market itself, this phone could be practically free. The idea that you have to pay for phone calls is ridiculous. The technology is already there.

Nexus: Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.

Tumblr Down, Tumblr Up

Image representing Tumblr as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
Business Insider: TUMBLR IS BACK!: an extended outage that started yesterday.... Tumblr's twitter account says: "The recovering database cluster is online and healthy. We're incrementally opening up access to blogs while monitoring performance."
This downtime was significant because (1) it went on and on and on, it lasted a while and (2) enemies of Tumblr had publicly warned a few weeks back that they would take it down. Right now I don't know if the downtime was due to overuse, or some act of those enemies. I am about to go dig up on the story.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Zuckerberg On CBS

I like Zuckerberg. I do. I really do. I like him a lot actually. People like him show up a few a decade at most. He is special that way. Just like Steve Jobs is special. I think Zuck is going to keep innovating at the pace he has been innovating. He is in the driving seat like the Google founders have not been.

Mark Suster: The Social Network: Facebook To Fragmentation

Rupert MurdochImage via WikipediaMark Suster's three pieces on TechCrunch are a nice summary of what has happened, and what is happening, although if any of this is news to you, I have to ask, where have you been?

When he starts talking about the future, it gets trickier. Social has so much buzz right now that it is hard to imagine the post-social buzz. But that there will be is for sure. There always has been. Social itself will morph. Social is one thing. Social and mobile as a combo is a case of two plus two being five. To that cocktail add local and global and you end up with two plus two equals 22. And it is not easy to figure out.

One good news is I see many, many players emerging.