Monday, November 22, 2010

Jai Ho

Netflix Streaming Only

NetflixImage via WikipediaFinally.

Finally Netflix cut the chord.
New York Times: Netflix Introduces Streaming-Only Pricing: unlimited streaming on-demand video through the Internet without having to rent any DVDs ...... will cost $7.99, and give customers access to unlimited movies and TV shows in Netflix’s library. ..... Earlier in the year Netflix signed a $1 billion deal with Paramount Pictures, Lions Gate and MGM to add their content to its services. .... beyond physical DVDs and onto dozens of new platforms and services.... the streaming version of the platform available on an abundance of devices, including mobile phones, video game systems, laptop computers, third-party set-top boxes and a number of other Internet-capable gadgets.
This was a long time coming. Who needs a DVD? Before long DVD players will be banned.

Paul Orlando In The New York Times

Image representing New York Times as depicted ...Image via CrunchBaseTalk about the devil and he appears. I talked about Paul Orlando (Chatfe Happy Hour With Paul Orlando) at this blog on Friday, and here he appears in the New York Times on Monday.

Model Job Offer Scam Threat

from Tammy Thomas
to Paramendra Bhagat
date Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 4:57 AM
subject Re: Model Job Offer!
Nov 19 (3 days ago)

You must be very foolish and stupid for you posting the info of the company at

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brazil: Historically Speaking

Brazil is not a Spanish speaking country. The leading country in South America is not a Spanish speaking country. The British left, but the English language in India just grew and grew and grew. Brazil used to be a colony of Portugal. Just like India basically took over the English language - there are way many more English speakers in India than in England, way, way more - Brazil has taken over the Portuguese language.