Monday, November 15, 2010

Facebook's Gmail Killer Email: The Expectation Is In The Air

This is icon for social networking website. Th...Image via WikipediaThis day - Monday - is going to be all about Facebook's email service. It has been touted as the Gmail killer. That is a tall wall to climb. If they deliver, that will create a new wave for them.

I think they will present something that is pretty compelling. This is Facebook, after all. But as to how much of a departure from Gmail it will be, that is anyone's guess.

I personally am very glad that a company the size of Facebook is tackling the inbox. The inbox is so raw. And I hope this step by Facebook will make Google sit up a little. It has been lazy with Gmail.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Voice Is Not Dead, Dumb Voice Should Be

This is icon for social networking website. Th...Image via Wikipedia
TechCrunch: The Phone Call Is Dead: Text is just easier.
I have a few different phone numbers. I think I have three. Does that mean I am a huge fan of the telephone? Hardly. The opposite is true.

I tried to cancel my Yahoo Messenger number. I think I did. And they billed me anyway. My bank filed a complaint on my behalf. They gave me a new debit card. But that transaction went through. Felt like Carol Bartz was balancing the Yahoo budget on my back.

What Gmail/Yahoo Mail/Hotmail Can Learn From Twitter

Federal Express McDonnell Douglas MD-11F (N607...Image via WikipediaThis is a feature request.

When you get into compose mode - and that is a mindset, a killer mindset - you should have two options. One option would be that your message - no subject line allowed - would be limited to 140 characters. The upside would be the receiver would not have to click to read it. Your entire message could be read and replied to immediately from the inbox.

What Gmail Can Learn From Yahoo Mail

Image representing Gmail as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseThere is this feature in Yahoo Mail, you click on the Sender column title at the top, and all your emails get organized by who sent you the email. You click on Date and all your emails in the inbox get similarly organized.

This feature comes in very handy when you are out to massacre emails. You want to save that rare email. On the other hand you don't want to have to delete emails one at a time.

I Fixed The Budget, You Can Too

My plan for the deficit
New York Times: Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget