Friday, November 05, 2010

The Video Format And Web Intelligence

Image representing Netflix as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseIt is not that people are saying, oh no, the internet got us addicted to the text, we have no more love for the video format, or that we are cutting down on both French fries and video content.

The demand for TV shows and movies is bigger than ever and growing. So what gives? Why are people in the TV/video/movies business worried? Why are the cable people scared? They are scared because the times, they are a changing. And they are refusing to change with the times.

Google's Foreign Policy

(Source: Mashable)

Google's Gmail Envy

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
TechCrunch: Google To Facebook: You Can’t Import Our User Data Without Reciprocity
The use of the word data by Google here is key. That further confirms the point I have been making at this blog over months. Social is not in Google's DNA. Google does data, Google does information, Google does not do social. When it goes into local and location, it is hung up on data.

Leave Costa Rica Alone

Variant flag of Costa RicaImage via Wikipedia
Search Engine Land: Nicaragua Raids Costa Rica, Blames Google Maps
As of recent I have been thinking in terms of Costa Rica as the country where to have the pilot project for my microfinance tech startup. A member of the exploratory team suggested a small, central American country might be a good idea. And so I have been mulling over the name.

Facebook And Twitter: The Only Two That Count

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
TechCrunch: 2010 State Of The Blogosphere: Facebook And Twitter Drive The Most Traffic (Slides): They use many types of social media (LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, StumbleUpon, Digg), but when it comes to driving traffic back to their blogs only two social media services really count: Facebook and Twitter
I have long suspected this. People have been like if you want traffic for your blog, become a regular on Digg, go visit StumbleUpon, and I have resisted. I have put my efforts only into Facebook and Twitter.