Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fractals: Mandelbrot

Fractals And Foodspotting
FoodSpotting Is The Next FourSquare
Fractals: Apple, Windows 95, Netscape, Google, Facebook, Twitter

Change The Ratio: Fred Wilson, Rachel Sklar

54 W. 21st Street
Suite 1001
New York, NY 10010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (ET)

Tech, Women, Diversity

Fractals And FoodSpotting

I don't know but I am guessing there are a few different players in what I call the specific check in space, but I only know one: FoodSpotting. And if there are others, FoodSpotting sure has the best seat in the house. Checking into a book, or movie or music is not actually checking in. It is not location specific. The Like button by any other name.

Much of the special going out involves eating and drinking for many people. And each such check in place, by definition, is a business. Caching. As opposed to when someone checks into Central Park - and people do - that is hard to monetize. Street vendors: don't count on them.

Steve Jobs: Android Rant

Wow. This guy shows no signs of slowing down. This dude Steve Jobs, CEO of the past decade, dubbed the most remarkable comeback story in the history of business, Larry Ellison's best friend, is just warming up, it looks like.

"There are one or more strategic opportunities in the future," says he. You got to watch out for those. Word is already out he wants to take another crack at the netbook. He could also be thinking in terms of the natural user interface, 3D computing, and gesturing as opposed to touching. Gesturing is cleaner.


Google Search: Skipping Social, Going To Location?

Looks like Marissa Mayer is getting busy already. The social butterfly of the Google corporate world has been setting trends for years. Now she attacks location front and center, looks like. (Marissa Mayer: Location, Local) It was not possible for the Android company to have stayed away from location for too long. (Mashable: Google Puts the Emphasis on Location in Search)