Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Shopping Around For Iran

AL and IranImage via Wikipedia
Brad Feld and Fred Wilson did not bite - they seem to suggest Iran is not in their domain expertise - but I have a ready presentation in the process, and I have decided to shop around. This is not an investment opportunity. This falls in the public service domain.

I came across a John Boyd blog post while working on this post: Seed Money. And so I emailed him.
You have a great post on seed money ... I followed a link from Fred Wilson's blog to your post. Great post. What really got my attention was your putting broadband on the top of the list. I am 15 months from a green card, and 15 months from my startup. My startup will deal with the last mile of the broadband business.

Are you in NYC? Let's meet for coffee some time.

I need you to help me with something. I need you to put 3-5K into this. This is not an investment. This falls in the public service domain. This is about democracy in Iran.
I also just sent out a whole bunch of tweets to a whole bunch of angel investors. I sent out tweets to all angel investors on the List Of Angels On Twitter. The cut off point was people who had tweeted out in the past 24 hours. If you are not active on Twitter daily, maybe you are not of interest to me.
One Tweet Response

I should not have been, but I was surprised to find so many Indians on the list, including one I am Facebook friends with. 
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Seed Money

Image representing First Round Capital as depi...Image via CrunchBase
It is much cheaper to start a dot com today than it was in the late 1990s. What I do for free on the Blogger platform today had to be built from scratch for a dot com I was part of in 1999. Amazon got rid of servers for you. Only a few days back Google dropped a bomb: now anyone can create an Android app. Elementary programming is now like flipping the light switch.

The need for early stage funding is not as dire as it used to be. But the need for later stage funding is still dire. I am going to argue that is also going to change in the next wave of innovation. There will be companies like OfferPal Media that will help you monetize early and strong. There will come a time when most startups will need little to no money early stage, and little to no money late stage. Asking a startup to both build a great service and to monetize that service is like asking coders to buy and upkeep servers. Makes no sense.

But this newish development is not just about there being less need for big, early money. This also is about saying investors need to get down and dirty with their investments. They don't need to put in daily involvement like members of the executive team, but showing up once in a while for the Board meeting and getting your fee perhaps does not cut it no more. You need a more hands on approach.

The dot com domain is going to stay fertile for a long, long time. To see saturation in that domain is to suggest the human mind will attain satiation at some point, and I just don't see that happening. The human mind has been programmed to stay permanently hungry. Content creation, content curation, content search: they will stay in play.

There is plenty of room on the cutting edge. But then there is plenty of room if the entire world is your stage. You have to be willing to go wherever there might be opportunities for growth.

And money does not differentiate between one sector and the other. New hot domains will emerge. Clean tech, bio tech, nano tech are the obvious names being bounced around. And there are old names. I believe microfinance could easily digest a few trillion dollars. All that money the Wall Street junkies sunk into real estate the past decade and brought the house down for the rest of us, if they had been innovative, they would have taken some of that money into microfinance.

Summary statement: things are exciting, and are getting heated up. I can't even see five years out, let alone 10.

Fred Wilson: Some Thoughts On The Seed Fund Phenomenon
I blog because it helps me think through a lot of issues we face in our business ...... it still takes on average $20mm to get a web startup to sustainable positive cash flow. But the vast majority of that capital will be required after the business has "traction." ..... What has changed in technology venture capital is not so much the total capital requirements, but when they are required. ..... Dennis and Naveen had built the service all by themselves and had just lured Harry onto their team. They needed no capital to do that. In fact they did not even have a bank account when we went to close our seed investment...... The deals that work get very competitive when it is time to raise real money. ..... First Round Capital, the grandaddy of the web 2.0 super seed funds, has now evolved into a firm that is twice as big as our firm in terms of investors and they have more capital under management than we do. And I've met a couple investors who are talking about creating "seed bridge funds." I think that's a great idea..... We are still figuring out to evolve the VC business to reflect the change in financing needs of entrepreneurs and we aren't done by a long shot.
Paul Kedrosky: The Coming Super-Seed Crash
a combination of ease of entry, lower capital requirements, failing incumbent venture capital (VC) firms, and general fervor has driven the emergence of a host of new "super-seed" firms. These small-ish outfits -- usually running less than $20m -- specialize in seeding a bazillion companies, following on in very few, and generally trying to be fast-moving and networked. ..... Nor does it mean that incumbent VCs will once again rule the world with mega funds. Many of them, like the dinosaurs, have turned out to be evolutionary dead-ends that couldn't adapt with a changing financial landscape. ..... Declining average cost of company creation is driving declining average cost of venture firm creation. ...... Incumbent VCs make up shit about the inadequacies of super-angel funds ..... Venture capital is hard, whether practiced by brain-dead VC incumbents, or by smart and nimble super-angels. Most VCs, and most angels, fail -- it's just that its takes 10 years to kill a VC fund ..... as incumbent VCs justifiably vanish en masse, niche overshoot seems almost ecologically inevitable among super-seed funds.
Chris Dixon: It’s Not That Seed Investors Are Smarter – It’s That Entrepreneurs Are
was a very common occurrence before the rise of seed funds, due to VCs pressuring entrepreneurs to raise more money than they needed so the VCs could “put more money to work.” ..... I thought the brands of the big VCs would help me and didn’t really understand the dynamics of fund raising. ..... Today, entrepreneurs are much savvier, thanks to the proliferation of good advice on blogs, via mentorship programs, and a generally more active and connected entrepreneur community. ...... prominent seed funds will outperform top-tier VC funds
John Boyd: The Rush To Early Seed Stage: Later Stage Implications And Top 7 Mature Themes
every time I turn my head there is another seed incubator popping up. .... Things are not as active in traditional venture capital funds as many struggle to raise super sized funds and maintain the flow of fees. Angels and incubators, on the other hand, are exceedingly active. ...... While some of these early stage deals will be capital efficient even in later stages, many will still need relatively large raises that angels and incubators just can't handle. ..... an early stage deal has to reinvent itself multiple times. ..... Some really famous seed investors use the shotgun approach. ..... Early stage investing requires an ability to go from failure to failure without any measure of diminished hope or exuberance. To me that implies a lot of the ex-corp dev guys and lawyers who are now active seed investors may drop off. ....... My relationships with teams I've invested with early on are like family as you are often in some pretty thick battles with them. ....... Right now we don't have enough competition in broadband and too much spectrum is tied up warehoused in too few hands.
Fred Wilson, 2006: Web 2.0 Is A Gift, Not A Threat, To VCs
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Just Happened? 3,000 Page Hits

The page views count for this blog for today stands at 3,000, and the day is still young. What just happened? This makes it the best recorded day for the blog. The previous record was 1200 for a blog post that had the word Bill Gates in the title.

But most of the page hits for today have come from Google. Looks like this blog has managed to hit some kind of a sweet spot with the Google search engine. I am happy. But I can't explain. My blog posts today and yesterday have not been extraordinary.

On another note, my Feedburner count went from 2300 to less than 200 yesterday, and is still stuck around there today. I know Feedburner sometimes does that random act. But I am still anxious. Go back up, will you?

What Just Happened? May 2009

My page views for my Barackface blog yesteday stand at 1200. Most of that traffic is also coming from Google. That is the good kind of traffic.

Maybe I should put the Google ads back onto the blogs.

They say at 10,000 daily hits, you can make a full time income.
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Slow Motion: Panda Bear

(Via Fred Wilson)
Rome - Phoenix W/ Devendra Banhart

Monday, July 12, 2010

You Can Create An Android App Too, Anyone Can

An apple with the logo of Google made with laserImage by missha via Flickr
The Official Google Blog: App Inventor For Android anyone—programmers and non-programmers, professionals and students—to create mobile applications for Android-powered devices. .... “I used to think that no one could program except CS people. Now, I've made dozens of applications for the Android phone!”
ComputerWorld: Google's App Inventor For Android Is A Game-Changer App Inventor has the potential to do for mobile app creation what VisiCalc did for computations -- move it out of the exclusive realm of specialists in glassed-in data centers (or, in the case of mobile apps, programmers who can use a conventional SDK) into the hands of power users as well as make it easier for IT departments to create corporate apps. .... a fair number of components available, ranging from text labels to motion sensors .... you can hook up your phone to your computer while using App Inventor in order to see your app in action. ..... App Inventor for Android is one of the smartest things Google could have done in its battle with Apple for the hearts and minds of smartphone power users. ..... friendly to non-coding power users.
ComputerWorld: Android App Inventor: Another Slap To Apple's Closed Model Google's new App Inventor for Android might just be magical -- and maybe even a little revolutionary. ..... apps created with App Inventor won't even be published to the Android Market as of now. .... The satirical likening of Apple to a communist regime doesn't always seem so far-fetched. ..... While Apple has long bragged about the 47 bazillion apps in its App Store, analyses suggest the vast majority of them actually sit unused.
New York Times: Google’s Do-It-Yourself App Creation Software Google is bringing Android software development to the masses. ..... Google App Inventor for Android (, has been under development for a year .... as cellphones increasingly become the computers that people rely on most, users should be able to make applications themselves. .... he helped initiate M.I.T.’s OpenCourseWare program, which offers free online course materials used in teaching the university’s classes. ..... similar to snapping together Lego blocks ..... A student at the University of San Francisco, Mr. Abelson said, made a program that automatically replied to text messages, when he was driving. “Please don’t send me text messages,” it read. “I’m driving.”

This is not only the future of Android app creation, this is the future of programing itself. Computer programming languages have been on a one way ride to simplicity all these decades. This was bound to happen. Creating an app is now like putting together legos.

This is about thinking of software as utility, as commodity. You don't need a degree in electrical engineering to flip that switch, do you?

Used to be you needed to buy and upkeep servers. Then Amazon came to the rescue. This is a similar big shift in programming.

In The News

Techmeme Offers Tech News at Internet Speed New York Times Techmeme could become a model for other industries as a useful way to harness the increasingly unwieldy Web and arm readers who are preparing for business meetings or cocktail parties. ...... “Techmeme is our go-to primary source,” said Marshall Kirkpatrick, an editor and lead blogger at ReadWriteWeb, a tech blog. ..... Techmeme combines all three strategies, automatically searching the Web, employing editors and accepting tips from readers. .... its 260,000 readers, who check it three million times a month. .... Bijan Sabet, a venture capitalist at Spark Capital who reads Techmeme daily, also visits other aggregators, like Hacker News, because they have more diversity.
Casualties Of War: OfferPal Downsizes As Facebook Chooses Competitor TechCrunch Offerpal is currently the largest offers and alt-pay provider world-wide. Offerpal’s business continues to grow and expand in numerous other areas including an exciting new agreement with Yahoo!, and on the mobile iPhone, iPad and Android platforms, with more to come. We are projecting continued strong growth going forward as well as sustained profitability.
Man Claims Ownership of Facebook Wall Street Journal
Waging war on Wordpress: Posterous prepares the switch Guardian

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