Saturday, June 26, 2010

News June 26

Image representing ReadWriteWeb as depicted in...Image via CrunchBase

Google's Semantic Web Push: Rich Snippets
Can Augmented Reality Help Save the Planet?
Google Moves Encrypted Search to New Domain
David Boies Beat Microsoft Once - Can He Do it Again For
Traditional Media Outlets Flocking to Tumblr Countersuing Microsoft for Patent Infringement
What Not to Wear (When Pitching VCs)
Strategy Roundtable: Three Startups That Can Hit $1 Million
Google Now Distributes Chrome with Built-In Flash Player
Gmail Gets One-Click Microsoft Word Previews

All Things Digital

New iPhone Keeps Apple Top of Class
Going, Going, Almost Gone: Foursquare Poised to Get New VC Funding, After Being “One Inch” From Sale to Facebook
CEO Jim Balsillie: BlackBerry Ready to Play Quantum Leapfrog
Netflix Grabs a Yahoo to Help Run Its Web Video Business
Get ’em, Boies: Salesforce Countersues Microsoft
Coke Takes Out a Free Ad for Twitter Ads
77 Percent of Early iPhone 4 Sales Were Upgrades
Another Surprise at Second Life Creator; Founder is CEO Again
Medvedev’s Silicon Valley Dreams Won’t Happen Overnight

Ars Technica

For 1 billion speakers, domain names officially go Chinese
Reports: most iPhone 4 line-waiters are iPhone upgraders
"Organic" pesticides aren't necessarily "green" pesticides
Win Phone 7 launches in October as an "ad-serving machine"
UK regulator: net neutrality rules bad for consumers
UK paper requires free Web accounts; traffic plunges
US goes after movie pirates in Estonia, counterfeiters in Tanzania


eBay’s Crossroads: Turn Around or Break Up
Apple’s iPhone 4: Is That a Smartphone in Your Pocket?
The Big Shift: The Rise of Cloud Computing
The Wide-open Door to the Mobile Enterprise
Android This Week: Flash 10.1 Arrives; Smartbook Sans Touch
Metrics: Corporate Web Working Effectiveness by the Numbers
Intel’s Bad Bet on WiMAX Pays Off for TD-LTE
Is Facebook’s Social Search Engine a Google Killer?
Hulu Plus Coming to iPad, Xbox Playstation Next Week?


Here’s What Happens On Facebook During World Cup Games
The Vulcan iPhone Pinch: The Right Way to Hold Your Phone
Tech Tweets of the Week: Everybody was World Cup WatchingDigits Live Show: BlackBerry Struggles to Keep Up with iPhoneIridium Patents Soar Anew in Licensing Deal
China Carrier Hopes to Offer iPhone 4, iPad
Is 3-D Here to Stay?


Doodle Jump Reaches Five Million Downloads
Studio Ghibli to Make Games
What We’re Reading: Fake PR
What We’re Reading: App Creep
Opening Day: The iPhone 4
Class Action Against Apple and AT&T Is Amended
Yahoo Rolls Out a Renovated Flickr
Motorola, Verizon and Google Unite to Introduce the Droid X
IPhone 4 Reviews: The Pundits Weigh In
What We’re Reading: Life as a Computer
Three Million iPads Sold but Frustration for Some Customers
Opening Day: The iPhone 4
Verizon Sends Out the Droids
Droid or Not, Verizon Still Wants the iPhone
After New Ads, Doubts Grow About a Verizon iPhone
Why Can’t PCs Work More Like iPhones?

Technology Review

Moore's Outlaws
Nanotubes Give Batteries a Jolt
A Private Social Network for Cell Phones
Inexpensive, Unbreakable Displays
Working Toward a Smarter, Faster Cloud
Where Gmail Is Going
Solar's Great Leap Forward
A Simpler Route to Plastic Solar Cells
Hack: iPad 3G
How Wi-Fi Drains Your Cell Phone
Real-Time Search
Mobile 3-D
Engineered Stem Cells
Solar Fuel
Light-Trapping Photovoltaics,
Social TV
Implantable Electronics
Green Concrete
Dual-Action Antibodies
Cloud Programming
America's Broadband Dilemma
Better Batteries
To Market
Solar Power
Tomorrow's Car
A Way to Share Music and Movies from Any Device
Technology Overview: Designing for Mobility
Mobile Data: A Gold Mine for Telcos
Surveillance Software Knows What a Camera Sees
Reinventing the Gasoline Engine
Startup Aims for Perfect Pixels
Drug Targets Lupus by Tricking Immune System
Computer Security
Can AIDS Be Cured?
The Global Broadband Spectrum
Computer SecurityMicroprocessors
Personalized Medicine
Cloud Computing
Photovoltaics Come of Age
New Quantum Theory Separates Gravitational and Inertial Mass
How To Destroy A Black Hole
How to Prevent Deepwater Spills
How to Prevent Language Extinction
One Tablet per Child
3-D Without the Glasses
America's Broadband Dilemma
Mobile Data: A Gold Mine for Telcos
Q&;A: Buzz Aldrin
An Energy-Saving Air Conditioner
Making Old Muscle Young

Science Daily

Wet Era on Early Mars May Have Been Global
3-D Models of Whole Mouse Organs Created
Galaxy Encounter Fires Up Quasar
More Variation in Human Genome Than Expected
Cosmic Clocks May Uncover Space-Time Ripples
Living, Breathing Human Lung-On-A-Chip
Plants Can Integrate Information
Higher Methane from Warming 40,000 Years Ago
Was Venus Once a Habitable Planet?
Widespread Glacial Meltwater Valleys on Mars
Mechanism That May Trigger Degenerative Disease Identified
Chemists Find an Easier Way to Synthesize New Drug Candidates; New Method Could Have a Big Impact on Pharmaceutical Business
Novel Radiotracer Shines New Light on the Brains of Alzheimer's Disease Patients
Climate Change Complicates Plant Diseases of the Future
Pleasing to the Eye: Even Brooding Female Birds Are Sensitive to Visual Stimulation
Study Identifies Couples’ Underlying Concerns During a Fight
Coffee May Protect Against Head and Neck Cancers
People Who Suppress Anger Are More Likely to Become Violent When Drunk
Compound Found in Red Wine Neutralizes Toxicity of Proteins Related to Alzheimer's
Teens and Alcohol Study: After a Few Drinks, Parenting Style Kicks in
Small Amount of Common Preservative Increases Toxins from Harmful Bacteria in Food, Study Finds
Freshwater Fish Eyes: Great Home for Parasites
Aggressive Action to Reduce Soot Emissions Needed to Meet Climate Change Goals, Experts Say
NASA Radar Images Show How Mexico Quake Deformed Earth
Biomedical Scientist Concerned About Effects of Oil Spill on Human Health
Adios El Niño, Hello La Niña?
Separation Between Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens Might Have Occurred 500,000 Years Earlier, DNA from Teeth Suggests
3.6 Million-Year-Old Relative of 'Lucy' Discovered: Early Hominid Skeleton Confirms Human-Like Walking Is Ancien
Earth-Like Planets May Be Ready for Their Close-Up
'Ghost Particle' Sized Up by Cosmologists
First Superstorm on Exoplanet Detected
Hubble Captures Bubbles and Baby Stars
Consumer-Grade Camera Detects Cancer Cells in Real Time
Life of Plastic Solar Cell Jumps from Hours to 8 Months
Researcher Develops Green, Bio-Based Process for Producing Fuel Additive
Crack in the Case for Supersolids: Reports of Supersolid Helium May Have Been Premature
Liquid Crystals Light Way to Better Data Storage
'Quantum Computer' a Stage Closer With Silicon Breakthrough
Computer Program Detects Depression in Bloggers' Texts
Supercomputer Provides New Insights Into the Vibrations of Water
Bioengineers Create Simulator to Test Blood Platelets in Virtual Heart Attacks
Engineers Create A Strong But Lightweight Isotruss Bike Using Carbon Fibers
Computer Scientists Develop Program To Decipher Location Of Photograph
Biomedical Engineers 'Arm' Surgeons For Highly Precise Knee Resurfacing With Robot
Interactive Telecommunications Researchers Develop A Device For Plants To Send Text Messages
Cyber Forensic Researchers Make The Call: Crime Scene Evidence Is Quickly Extracted From Mobile Phones
Hop, Jump and Stick; Robots Designed With Insect Instincts
'Quantum Computer' a Stage Closer With Silicon Breakthrough
Curbing Speculation Could Destabilize Commodity Prices
Enterprise PCs Work While They Sleep – Saving Energy and Money – With New Software
Ocean Stirring and Plankton Patchiness Revealed by Computer Simulation
Using Science to Identify True Soccer Stars: Researchers Find a New Approach to Ranking and Rating Soccer Players
Engineer Explores Intersection of Engineering, Economics and Green Policy
Species Distribution Models Can Exaggerate Differences in Environmental Requirements
Bizarre Matter Could Find Use in Quantum Computers
Mathematicians Show Randomly Guessing NCAA Outcome Is Extremely Improbable
Mathematical Physics Explains How Icicles Grow
Children With Home Computers Likely to Have Lower Test Scores, Study Finds
Model Explains Rapid Transition Toward Division of Labor in Biological Evolution
Novel 'Cuckoo Search Algorithm' Beats Particle Swarm Optimization in Engineering Design
Decoding Our Network Communities
Mathematicians Solve 140-Year-Old Boltzmann Equation
Sum of Digits of Prime Numbers Is Evenly Distributed: New Mathematical Proof of Hypothesis
Mathematicians Offer Elegant Solution to Evolutionary Conundrum
Loneliness, Poor Health Appear to Be Linked
Neuroscientists Can Predict Your Behavior Better Than You Can
Signal Like You Mean It: Orangutan Gestures Carry Specific Intentional Meanings, Study Finds
Friendships, Family Relationships Get Better With Age Thanks to Forgiveness, Stereotypes
Winning a Soccer Penalty Shootout: Cheering Convincingly Increases Changes of Success
Gay Men's Bilateral Brains Better at Remembering Faces, Study Finds
Pre-Stored Phrases Make It Easier to Be Part of a Conversation
Abusive Mothering Aggravates the Impact of Stress Hormones
Brain Structure Corresponds to Personality
Exercise May Be an Effective and Nonpharmacologic Treatment Option for Alcohol Dependence

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Lionel Messi

Young Folks
Walk In The Park
Freehand Exercise: 1,000 Push-Ups, 1,000 Squats, 1,000 Crunches
Brazil And Argentina: My Choices And Those Of My Favorite Actor
The Eyes Of Truth
Hey Now, Hey Now
Samuel Eto'o

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Young Folks

Walk In The Park
Freehand Exercise: 1,000 Push-Ups, 1,000 Squats, 1,000 Crunches
Brazil And Argentina: My Choices And Those Of My Favorite Actor
The Eyes Of Truth
Hey Now, Hey Now
Samuel Eto'o

Watch The Games
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Walk In The Park


At this point it feels to me like this is Argentina's cup to lose, although it can be argued Brazil is just getting warmed up. Those are the two teams I am rooting for. (Brazil And Argentina: My Choices And Those Of My Favorite Actor)

Diego (Maradona) looks as majestic off the field as he used to look on the field: for the love of the game, he will do anything, even come back as a coach.

I own three Brazil shirts, two Argentina shirts.

France and Italy are out. Those used to be heavyweight teams.

The US team has surprised many people. I commend their spirit, and their victories. I don't expect them to win, of course, but it is possible they pull a few more surprises. Expect to see a lot of soccer in Central Park this summer.

Freehand Exercise: 1,000 Push-Ups, 1,000 Squats, 1,000 Crunches
Brazil And Argentina: My Choices And Those Of My Favorite Actor
The Eyes Of Truth
Hey Now, Hey Now
Samuel Eto'o

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