Thursday, June 10, 2010

Randi For Reshma

Dear Paramendra,

My name is Randi Zuckerberg. I was born and raised in New York, attended school in New York City, and currently lead political, media, and non-profit initiatives for Facebook. Like you, I'm very excited that Reshma, at age 35, can become the youngest woman in the House of Representatives.

Reshma truly embodies the qualities of a candidate for this generation: young, energetic, whip smart, and compassionate. I've been very impressed with Reshma's smart use of social media, fully integrated into her campaign. Reshma listens to her constituents, empowers her supporters to help spread key messages, and uses Facebook and other powerful tools to include everyone in the political process.

No matter where you live, supporting candidates like Reshma is important to all of us. Please help to spread Reshma's message to everyone you know!

How can you help?

1) Connect with Reshma on Facebook at by clicking on the "like" button

2) Once you "like" Reshma's Page, click "suggest to friends" link under Reshma's photo and invite your friends to support Reshma as well.

3) Update your status on Facebook with a link to Reshma's Page by typing @Reshma and choosing Reshma's Page in the drop down menu that pops up. (very cool feature that not too many people know about!)

4) Make a contribution to ensure that Reshma's campaign keeps gaining momentum! Every donor counts, no matter how big or small.

5) Sign up to petition and help get Reshma on the ballot!

6) Be responsible for getting five people you know in New York registered to vote and out to the polls on September 14th. 

Thanks so much for your support -- I could not be more excited to support such a smart, talented, accomplished woman on her journey to Congress. We'll see you on Facebook now, and in Washington soon after!


P.S. Please read Reshma's smart op-ed in The Huffington Post today about education: "Don't Just Reform Our Schools...Transform Them"

Support the campaign by making a contribution and volunteering.
Signup for email updates at, or stop receiving email updates here.
You can also follow @reshma2010 on Twitter or Facebook.

Reshma Saujani: Don't Just Reform Our Schools .... Transform Them (The Huffington Post)
..... performance-based teacher evaluations and expanding the cap on charter schools ...... New York's children lost out on the first opportunity to secure $700 million in essential educational funding. ....... We are on the verge of graduating the first generation of Americans that will be less literate than the one before it. ...... we need to move past 20th century battles and get serious about 21st century transformation. ...... I wouldn't be running for Congress if my public school teachers didn't let me stand on their shoulders and see the world. ....... . In New York City, teachers are given lifetime tenure after only three years of teaching and layoff decisions are made on the basis on tenure, not performance. ...... I propose creating a Teachers to the Top program to provide Race to the Top grantees with supplemental teacher training in data management, performance tracking, and technology. In addition, we must re-balance our evaluation system from a high-stakes "testocracy" to one that more holistically measures student growth and performance. ...... Another myth is that reform is about charters schools versus traditional schools. ...... Charter schools are publically funded institutions that are privately operated, with stricter data-driven accountability and usually a non-unionized environment. ..... I propose creating RAISE, or the Readying all Instructors and Schools Exchange, an online platform facilitated by the Department of Education to promote collaboration and best practice sharing of successful instructional and school management strategies among all schools. ...... 21st century skills, such as technological fluency, financial literacy, and foreign language training. ....... ensure that every child participates in arts, music, and physical education classes and has access to healthy meals and after-school programs. ..... an era when new industries can emerge, evolve, and dissolve in one lifetime, learning cannot stop at high school - or even college. We must re-conceptualize workforce transition and continuing studies education. .......

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Buzzd Party Thursday

Image of Nihal Mehta from FacebookImage of Nihal Mehta
“I always say that the person who stuck an online banner on a phone should be shot.”
- Buzzd Co-Founder and CEO Nihal Mehta.

TechCrunch: Buzzd Aggregates Check-Ins From Foursquare, Gowalla And Others In Social City Guide
Adotas: Mehta Has Always Been Buzzd On Mobile Marketing
“Since ‘01 we’ve been saying ‘Next year is going to be the year of mobile!’ And next year always is — the next year always doubles.”
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Finally Google Has Figured Out A Way To Keep Up With My Blog

Google Logo bg:Картинка:Google.pngImage via Wikipedia
For the longest time I have wondered why my blog posts don't show higher up in the Google search results. For a few days about a year ago Google had me happy. When I did a search on Cupcake Android or Donut Android, I showed up among the first few results. I expected my page hits to jump into the hundreds of thousands. It did not happen. It took me a while to get a sense that Google results are tied to zip code, or something like that. So it was not like everyone in the world who was doing a search on Cupcake Android or Donut Android was seeing my blog on the first page. So I have been lukewarm about FroYo.

But now news is Google is out with Caffeine. I mean, I am on Google's Blogger platform for a reason. I did not go for WordPress. I figured if I am already on Google property they will have no excuse not to index me as soon as possible, sooner the better.

I see Caffeine as Google's way of saying thank you for using our blogging platform. We are going to try and remove a few more layers between you and your potential audience. There are bloggers who blog daily. In the recent weeks I have been doing more than that. I have been blogging several times a day on average. That is profuse. I am glad Google has now enhanced its capabilities for the growing web. I blog often, I often have smart, insightful things to say. I share interesting uptakes on tech events in town. What's the use in not sharing?

Google, thanks for catching up. Keep up the good work.

Via TechMeme

The Official Google Blog: Our New Search Index: Caffeine: Searchers want to find the latest relevant content and publishers expect to be found the instant they publish. ..... With Caffeine, we analyze the web in small portions and update our search index on a continuous basis, globally...... Caffeine takes up nearly 100 million gigabytes of storage in one database and adds new information at a rate of hundreds of thousands of gigabytes per day.
The Official Gmail Blog: Making It Easier To Video Chat, Voice Chat, And Group Chat In Gmail
The Chromium Blog: An Update On Google Cloud Print: Google Cloud Print, a service that enables any app (web, mobile, desktop), on any device, OS, or browser, to print to any printer. Development is progressing quickly and we are now testing the service internally at Google ....... Google Cloud Print will work with all printers, including those that are not themselves web-connected (we call these “legacy printers”). ....... Today, HP announced a full suite of cloud-aware printers ranging from $99 consumer printers to business-oriented printers. This pioneering work is a big enabler for the cloud print vision and all these printers will work with Google Cloud Print out of the box.
Electronista: Skype Won't Use FaceTime, Still Hints At iPhone 4 Video Chat
Search Engine Land: Google’s New Indexing Infrastructure “Caffeine” Now Live: Google’s Matt Cutts added that “Caffeine benefits both searchers and content owners because it means that all content (and not just content deemed “real time”) can be searchable within seconds after its crawled.” ...... Caffeine is a revamp of Google’s indexing infrastructure. It is not a change to Google’s ranking algorithms. It is live across all data centers, regions, and languages. ..... you can estimate how often your pages are crawled by taking a look at your server logs or checking the cache dates in Google ....... ......Content owners will reap the benefits of Caffeine without doing anything at all. In fact, there’s really not much, if anything content owners can do.
Bing Community: Use Bing To Search Facebook And Twitter: ..... a re-designed homepage that shows improved trending topics derived from both Twitter and Facebook data
TechFlash: Bing Updates Social Search, Adds Top Facebook Shared Links: a new section of search results on its Bing search engine that will aggregate tweets, Twitter trends and the top links being shared at any given moment by users of Facebook
Twitter Blog: Links And Twitter: Length Shouldn't Matter: Since early March, we have been routing links within Direct Messages through our link service to detect, intercept, and prevent the spread of malware, phishing, and other dangers. ...... We want users to have this benefit on all tweets. ..... It should be easy for people to share shortened links from the Tweet box on ...... When this is rolled out more broadly to users this summer, all links shared on or third-party apps will be wrapped with a URL. ..... Ultimately, we want to display links in a way that removes the obscurity of shortened link and lets you know where a link will take you. ..... routing links through this service will eventually contribute to the metrics behind our Promoted Tweets platform and provide an important quality signal for our Resonance algorithm ....... analytics within our eventual commercial accounts service. ..... Ultimately, every link on Twitter will be wrapped. ...... we'll wrap the shortened links you submit.
Advertising Age: AOL To Hire 'Hundreds' Of Journalists, Reorganize Content Division: grouping all the sites into 17 "super-networks." ...... one overarching conclusion: produce more content, faster. ..... to be the world's largest producer of high-quality content ....... "We are going to be the largest net hirer of journalists in the world next year" ....... produce content they want, which leads to engagement, which leads to what advertisers want ..... will also look to new launches, acquisitions and partnerships ....... Currently there are about 40,000 freelancers contributing to AOL ......... the number of people that click, how long they stay, and the amount of ad revenue associated with it. ...... Yahoo is now calling itself "the world's largest media company" ...... Like AOL, Yahoo has concluded that its original content performs and monetizes better ...... a key rationale for acquiring Associated Content is the sheer number of contributors (340,000) on its freelance rolls.
Paid Content: David Eun Puts AOL On A URL Diet With ‘Super Net’ Strategy: the new AOL content structure—a slimmed-down 30-plus sites channeled into 17 “super” networks— ..... the previous URL-based approach with more than 80 distinct sites ...... —AOL News & Info, AOL Entertainment, AOL Life, and AOL Commerce (plus the front page as its own)—but with a TV-like emphasis on programming and production. ...... bringing together the best of media and technology. ...... the company has shifted the ratio from 20 produced internally to 80 percent produced in house...... “You iterate, gather intelligence. Iterate, gather intelligence. Rinse. Repeat.” ...... the digital media company of the 21st century. ...... “we will end up having the most amount of content at the deepest level to drive the most engaged audiences on the web.” ...... a data driven way to organize around the most important networks of information. ..... more than 100 million uniques in the U.S. and some 250 million globally
GigaOm: How Zynga Survived Farmville: “Zynga has been horrible in terms of its ability to predict its success,” said Williams, the company’s VP of network operations. Not that it’s a bad problem to have. Under his watch, Zynga has grown from a few dozen servers to “several thousand” ...... without Amazon FarmVille would have failed ...... Zynga uses Apache PHP on the front end, memcached for active user play and MySQL on the back end. ..... Post-FarmVille, Zynga has a new model for rolling out game launches. ..... tries to maintain a 50-50 split between using EC2 and data centers
TechCrunch: Zynga’s FrontierVille Looks To Recreate The Success Of FarmVille In The Wild West: It’s been almost exactly one year since social gaming powerhouse Zyngaunleashed what was destined to become an online phenomenon: FarmVille.
The Daily Beast: John Sculley On Why He Fired Steve Jobs: “I haven’t spoken to Steve in 20-odd years,” Sculley tells The Daily Beast. “Even though he still doesn’t speak to me, and I expect he never will

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Scott Contrarian Heiferman Does It Again

Scott HeifermanImage by jdlasica via Flickr
Scott blew it last night at the NY Tech MeetUp. There were some great demos for sure including one with a HTML 5 inkling: Thumbplay. And it was great to see Tikva Morawati's up there. I told her last night I will be at Ignite NYC tonight, but I can't be: something came up that will have me tied to 10 PM. Nate showed up in formal attire last night: that was a letdown for me personally. His trademark jeans and shirt with the cut on the sides, the curve cuts look better, I think. But I am all for trying out new looks. Iterate.

So Scott Heiferman smashed Dawn Barber's iPad with a sledgehammer. I ran into Dawn later.

"Are you guys still friends?" I asked her.

Scott was offering the 2010 version of that famous 1984 ad, of course.

Scott presented MeetUp Everywhere.

And then he introduced guy. Ends up that site did not take off. So they launched a side project that did take off: GroupOn.

"I started out wanting to change the world," he lamented." And I have been reduced to dealing with coupons."

Most startups fail, but the trick is to rise from the ashes.

At one point Scott called "a stupid blog." Then he whispered, "I should not say that. He is one of my investors."

The Highlight Of My Internet Week
Not MeetUp
Women In Tech-Media Event At JP Morgan: Internet Week
Meeting Fred Wilson In Person
Internet Week: Going To Three Events So Far
The Biggest NY Tech MeetUp Ever?
Social Media Week: The Best NY Tech MeetUp Ever
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The Highlight Of My Internet Week

Image of Anu Shukla from FacebookImage of Anu Shukla
The highlight of my Internet Week has been my two hour lunch Monday with Anu Shukla at Tamarind. She is just this fun, cheerful person. And she has Sabeer Hotmail Bhatia stature in entrepreneurship. It feels great to be friends with her. She happened to be in town, and we had lunch we had been planning to have for months. The lunch had nothing to do with Internet Week, of course. It just happened to happen on the first day of Internet Week.

Anu Shukla Has Found The New Frontier In Advertising
I Just Became Friends With Anu Shukla

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