Sunday, May 08, 2011

26 Best Cities

DSC_0346Image by flemming. d5000 via FlickrAccording to The Atlantic.
  1. New York City
  2. Toronto
  3. San Francisco
  4. Stockholm
  5. Sydney
  6. London
  7. Chicago
  8. Paris
  9. Singapore
  10. Hong Kong
  11. Houston
  12. Los Angeles
  13. Berlin
  14. TokyoSunsetImage by Vicky Tsavdaridou via Flickr
  15. Madrid
  16. Seoul
  17. Beijing
  18. Abu Dhabi
  19. Shanghai
  20. Mexico City
  21. Moscow
  22. Santiago
  23. Istanbul
  24. Sao Paulo
  25. Johannesburg
  26. Mumbai

Am I A Musician?

Social Media And StartUps: Striking The Right Balance

Barack ObamaImage by jamesomalley via FlickrI don't apologize for my active social media presence. But I have to be careful not to take my eyes off my two startups. The startups are where the action is. It is not like I am worried. It is not like I feel like I am losing the balance. For much of 2009 and 2010 I really did not have the option to do the tech startup thing. And then it made a ton of sense to focus primarily on things like tech blogging and networking. But those things don't go away. You don't switch. You learn to juggle a few balls.

Gonna Write For Technorati

I am particularly fond of blogging. My blogs feed into my Twitter and Facebook streams. I set the same for my Tumblr stream, but Tumblr has been messing up the past few days. Many things I read online I have a tendency to tweet out. So if you follow me on Twitter, you get a pretty good idea about what I am blogging and what are some of the things I am reading that day. I read a lot of tech news. And I follow the democracy movements as closely as I can. I was Barack Obama's first full time volunteer in New York City, maybe even the country. (Switching To Obama, Jupiter And Obama, 30 Points Down In The Polls) All that work I would like to cash out on behalf of democracy. I feel very, very strongly about democracy.