Saturday, March 19, 2011

Soraya Darabi: Top 5: Strike 3

Image representing TechCrunch as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBaseSoraya Darabi has hit the top 5 spot at this blog all over again, this is the third time. This traffic bump is due to the TechCrunch post on her. There are like a thousand tweets about that TechCrunch post. Pretty awesome.

Soraya Darabi
Social Media Is For Real
Ultimately It Is About Iran, Because That Is Where It All Started

Soraya Darabi In New York Magazine
Fred Wilson, Soraya Darabi: Both Crazy About Music
Happy FoodSpotting Day Soraya Darabi
Darabi Hits Top 5 Again At This Blog
FoodSpotting Is The Next FourSquare
Food/Social = Physics, Coding = Mathematics
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Agreed On New Shirt

Soraya Darabi On TechCrunch TV

Me @ CNN

This is from a while back in December. Notice how I pay homage to Charlie in my quote. It's an inside joke. You will get it if you read his blog.

Me @ BBC

Mike Arrington Liked My Comment

Michael Arrington, famous blogger, and Tariq K...Image via Wikipedia

On a big blog like - say TechCrunch - it might not make news that Mike Arrington liked your comment. But this blog is small enough that liking my comment makes Mike Arrington a big fish in a small pond.