Monday, March 07, 2011

Michell Zappa: Envisioning Technology

Vivek Kundra: Chief Information Officer of the United States

Tumblr Explore

Tumblr <3Image by Julia Roy via FlickrThe new Explore feature on Tumblr has been a major time suck. A few days back I started following the tags animals, landscape and tech. Major time suck. So much so I started to ignore the 100 or so people I have been following on Tumblr.

David Noel created a list of techies and VCs a long time ago, and I think I ended up following pretty much everyone on the list. That is what got me started on Tumblr in the first place.

Like David Noel?

Today I started following the tag food, Amy Cao of FoodSpotting is the Top Editor. It's amazing what pictures of food can do to you. No, not make you hungry, that is not what I had in mind. It is the aesthetics of the appreciation.

AVC MeetUp Tomorrow

I think I RSVPd for the AVC MeetUp last week. I am going. It's tomorrow. Fred Wilson might or might not be there. The venue has to be right for him to show up. The MeetUp has to have its own separate space, perhaps the basement, perhaps a room. You can't just host it at an open bar where 20 different crowds are mixing up with each other and expect Fred Wilson to show up.