Monday, April 03, 2023

4: Taiwan

Ryan Hass on Taiwan: Has US-China rivalry passed a tipping point? President Biden and President Xi (習近平) agreed at their meeting in Bali last November to dispatch Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Beijing to explore steps that could lend greater stability and predictability to the relationship. Blinken’s trip was derailed when a Chinese spy balloon violated American airspace on the eve of his visit. ......... In the period since, both Washington and Beijing have shifted focus away from managing bilateral relations toward strengthening themselves for long-term competition with each other. .......... The United States and its partners have further tightened China’s access to high-end, dual-use technologies. Washington has secured new military basing access in the Philippines. Rapprochement between the Republic of Korea and Japan has reconfigured the regional strategic picture in America’s favor. And domestically, members of Congress have become more seized with countering China and are working to mobilize the American public on this score.......... Beijing also is working to drive wedges between the United States and Europe. China’s leaders will use upcoming visits by French, Spanish, and Italian leaders to encourage Europe’s strategic autonomy. ......... China also is working to present itself to the Global South as a force for peace, a contrast to American “hegemonism,” an economic growth engine, and a leader that respects each country’s governance model and growth path. This narrative got a boost when China brokered a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran. ........... For some, crossing the abyss means that the United States and China are settling into a new Cold War. For others, it means rising risk of a military confrontation or conflict.......... First, unlike the Cold War, the US and China are not leading two separate systems that are in competition with each other. Rather, they are both enmeshed within a single system and are both deeply interdependent on each other. ......... there is still no public enthusiasm for resolving differences on the battlefield. Leaders in Washington and Beijing remain sober to the reality that conflict would destroy their pursuit of national ambitions.......... a willingness by Biden and Xi to step in and cool tensions whenever the relationship risks overheating. Both leaders have served as a pressure release valve to lower tensions consistently over the past two years. ......... while US-China tensions clearly are rising and risk of conflict is above zero, I would caution against falling prey to doomsday predictions. The sky is not falling and war between nuclear-armed powers is not near .

3D Printing Promises to Transform Architecture—and Create Forms That Blow Today’s Buildings Out of the Water . In the 1880s, adoption of the steel frame changed architecture forever. Steel allowed architects to design taller buildings with larger windows, giving rise to the skyscrapers that define city skylines today. .......... “large-scale additive manufacturing.” Not since the adoption of the steel frame has there been a development with as much potential to transform the way buildings are conceived and constructed. ........... a future in which buildings are built entirely from recycled materials or materials sourced on-site, with forms inspired by the geometries of nature. ........... Clay is an intriguing alternative because it can be harvested on-site— ........ But plastics and polymers could have the broadest application. These materials are incredibly versatile, and they can be formulated in ways that meet a wide range of specific structural and aesthetic requirements. They can also be produced from recycled and organically derived materials. .......... Even common materials like concrete and plastics benefit from being 3D-printed, since there’s no need for additional formwork or molds. ........... Since there is no need for tooling, forms or dies, large-scale additive manufacturing allows each part to be unique, with no time penalty for added complexity or customization. ............ Another interesting feature of large-scale additive manufacturing is the capability to produce complex components with internal voids. This may one day allow for walls to be printed with conduit or ductwork already in place. .

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Elon Musk And Peter Diamandis Walk Into A Bar

The bartender, intrigued by their request, asks them, "What kind of donuts would you like?"

Elon Musk replies, "I'll have a rocket-shaped donut, please."

Peter Diamandis chimes in, "And I'll have a donut shaped like a space station!"

The bartender, amazed by their futuristic donut requests, exclaims, "Wow, you guys really think outside the box!"

Elon Musk and Peter Diamandis exchange a knowing smile and reply in unison, "No, we think inside the donut."

Ilya Sutskever, Andrej Karpathy

A.I. Researchers Are Making More Than $1 Million, Even at a Nonprofit Both were recruited from Google. ......... 22,000 people worldwide have the skills needed to do serious A.I. research — about double from a year ago. ......... They recruited several researchers with experience at Google and Facebook, two of the companies leading an industrywide push into artificial intelligence. .......... “I turned down offers for multiple times the dollar amount I accepted at OpenAI,” Mr. Sutskever said. “Others did the same.” He said he expected salaries at OpenAI to increase as the organization pursued its “mission of ensuring powerful A.I. benefits all of humanity.” .......... OpenAI spent about $11 million in its first year, with more than $7 million going to salaries and other employee benefits. It employed 52 people in 2016. ........... Some researchers may command higher pay because their names carry weight across the A.I. community and they can help recruit other researchers. ........ “When you hire a star, you are not just hiring a star,” Mr. Nicholson of the start-up Skymind said. “You are hiring everyone they attract. And you are paying for all the publicity they will attract.” ......... And another researcher, Andrej Karpathy, left to become the head of A.I. at Tesla, which is also building autonomous driving technology........ In essence, Mr. Musk was poaching his own talent. Since then, he has stepped down from the OpenAI board, with the lab saying this would allow him to “eliminate a potential future conflict.”

AI 'prompt engineer' jobs can pay up to $335,000 a year and don't always require a background in technology