Friday, May 20, 2022

Tesla Justice

Thursday, May 19, 2022

News: May 19

We’re in the Midst of an Unprecedented Democratic Effort. Let’s Stop Messing It Up
A 590-Foot-Tall Dam in China Will Be Built Entirely by Robots
Who really wants a 4-day workweek? Over half (54%) of U.S. workers chose a four-day workweek as one of the top three benefits they’d like offered by their employer ....... The only option that ranked higher was greater flexibility (63%). And it’s middle management that’s driving the trend, with 59% of managers and 58% of directors listing the benefit as a priority. 55% of entry-level employees and only 43% of professionals with a title of VP or above feel the same.

Chronicling the Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of WeWork
Where Does Implicit Gender Bias In The Startup World Come From
Reflections on early-stage investing as a new(ish) venture capitalist
9 Ways Angel Investors Can Help Your Startup
New, Dedicated Fund for Founders
Strategic Planning Framework for Startups
Why we invested in MVMNT
Don’t Outsource Learning

Does Matt Damon have crypto regret?

Web3 Is Our Chance to Make a Better Internet Web3 proponents envision an internet in which users can wrest back power from a small number of extractive, centralized institutions, and in which everyone with an internet connection can participate on a level playing field. ....... But Web2, the current era of the internet defined by companies built on proprietary data (such as Facebook and Google), started with a similar promise of empowering individual creators and removing intermediaries — a promise left unfulfilled. Now, standing at the precipice of a new era, we should ask ourselves: Is Web3 actually democratizing opportunity? And if not, how can we better design platforms and governance systems to promote fairness? ......... A just society is one “that if you knew everything about it, you’d be willing to enter it in a random place.” .......... Web3 presents the opportunity to build an entirely new internet — indeed, entire new economies — from scratch. .......... questions about impacts and externalities were left too late in the design of Web2, with consequences ranging from election manipulation to widespread vaccine misinformation. Some indicators show that early design choices in Web3 are replicating or compounding the inequalities of Web2 and the real world. ......... If we want Web3 to make good on the promise that it can materially improve the situations of everyone within the ecosystem, and not just a handful of people at the top, we need to design it according to principles that will make that happen. ........ it’s acceptable that doctors earn more than janitors, because that compensation differential incentivizes doctors to pursue their careers and ensures that janitors (and everyone else) will receive quality care if they fall ill.

Happiness Is Spirituality