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Samsung is quite a success story.
Samsung's road to global domination
in the weeks following the launch of Apple's iPhone 5, Samsung sold a record-breaking number of its own signature smartphone, the Galaxy S III. ...... Last year it overtook longtime leader Nokia to become the No. 1 player in cellphones, with 29% market share worldwide. In smartphones, those high-end devices with advanced computing power, Samsung is also No. 1 globally and in a dead heat with Apple in the U.S. ..... Apple sells one device, the iPhone, while Samsung offers 25 unique smartphones in the U.S.) "Samsung is on fire," says John Legere, CEO of mobile operator T-Mobile USA. ..... Thanks to tight control over an extensive supply chain (Samsung makes everything from screens to memory chips), it's been able to move quickly to meet the rising demand for its mobile devices, churning out more than 215 million smartphones globally last year. ..... last summer Verizon Wireless (VZ), T-Mobile, Sprint (S), and AT&T (T) agreed to launch the Galaxy S III phone simultaneously -- a major coup for Samsung. ...... it doesn't wield much control over the wireless ecosystem -- the mobile operating system, application store, and other software services that have helped make smartphones so popular ...... Samsung, which means "three stars" in Korean, started out as a small supplier of dried fish and noodles in the city of Daegu back in 1938. ..... In the most popular of the anti-Apple commercials -- the one that aired during the iPhone 5 launch, it turns out that one of the hipsters waiting in line for an Apple phone is actually holding a spot for his parents. Ouch. ..... Researchers are currently experimenting with innovations like bendable screens .... One of its largest components customers? Apple. .... "One could estimate that there would be at least a quarter's advantage due to internal control of all operations." ...... Today it makes 45% of all Android-based phones ...... it will make a phone that runs on Tizen -- an open-source operating system backed by Intel .... To help beef up its software know-how, the company is expanding its footprint in Silicon Valley. In December, Samsung announced it would soon open a new startup incubator in Palo Alto. The company is also building out a 1.1-million-square-foot R&D center in San Jose. ..... With a proprietary operating system, Samsung could enable its TVs to talk to Samsung-made phones and even washing machines. Applications and content could easily be shared among the different devices, making Samsung's entire line of consumer electronics much, much stickier with consumers.