Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rocky Agrawal's Take On GroupOn

Image representing Groupon as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseRocky's premise that the whole daily deals business is crap, well, I don't buy into that. I am at the other end of the spectrum on that thinking. I think they are onto something cutting edge.

What Fascinates Me About GroupOn
My Web Diagram

Unless Google would be willing to employ thousands of salespeople, Google and others can not compete with GroupOn, but in employing those salespeople Google will have veered from its core so far that that stretch might end up hurting its core businesses. Google is better off doing smart cars and wind farms in the vast oceans and monorails.

Android's Tablet Share

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseAndroid used to be in sorry shape while the iPhone was raging, but there were people, myself included, who thought it was only a matter of time. And now the two platforms are neck and neck, Android might even have a lead, a growing lead.

Music Places

Recently I have taken to listening to a whole bunch of music on Tumblr.

The Music Tag On Tumblr

Some great places to go for music are these, in no particular order.

World Singles Chart
Song Of The Day

Two Hall of Famers would be Soraya Darabi and Fred Wilson, people who stand out in the NY tech ecosystem regardless, but I don't think that is accidental, great thinking in tech seems to go hand in hand with voracious consumption of good music. So listen: listen. They have great taste. They are both addicted to music.