Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kevin Slavin Sold His Company To Zynga

Meeting Kevin Slavin: Tumblr's Brilliance

Kevin Slavin's - Area/Code co-Founder of Area/Code ..... Founded in 2005, Area/Code creates cross-media games and entertainment .... Area/Code builds on the landscape of pervasive technologies and overlapping media to create new kinds of entertainment. They have built mobile games with invisible characters that move through real-world spaces, online games synchronized to live television broadcasts, and videogames in which virtual sharks are controlled by real-world sharks with GPS receivers stapled to their fins. Their Facebook game “Parking Wars” served over 1 billion pages in 2008. ...... Before founding Area/Code, Slavin spent over 10 years in ad agencies including DDB, TBWA\Chiat\Day and SS+K, focused primarily on technology, networks, and community.

Kevin Slavin | LinkedIn Spent a decade or so in design, advertising and branding ..... a few years as a strategic planner...... With Frank Lantz, co-founded Area/Code Entertainment in 2005 (acquired by Zynga in Jan. 2011, becoming Zynga New York) ....... Between 2005 and 2011, Area/Code focused on cross-media entertainment and "games with computers in them." ..... Frank and I were named in 2008's "Creativity 50." ...... In 2008, I co-founded AFK with Ben Cerveny and Tod Kurt, focused on building platforms for spatial interaction. ...... In 2010, I co-founded Starling with Declan Caulfield (Fremantle) and Kenny Miller (MTV), building second-screen engagement with broadcast television. I lead product vision and development. ...... Together with Adam Greenfield, I developed the Urban Computing class at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program. ..... I serve on advisory boards for a few small, ambitious, interesting companies ...... creative direction, business development, geolocative technology, urban computing, social television, advertising and marketing ....... Starling has soft-launched in Q1 2011

A Few More Events?

Internet Week: Day 4
Internet Week: Day 4: Hectic Socializing
Internet Week: Day 3: One Event
Internet Week: Day 3: Taking It Easy
Internet Week: Day 2
Have You Seen Brett Martin?
Internet Week: Some More Events I Am Looking Into
Internet Week: Day 1: Observations
Internet Week: Day 1
One Location, Camping Out
My Plan For Internet Week

I decided Thursday evening that Internet Week was over for me. But after taking Friday off, and now Saturday off, I might be up for a few more events. I was just looking at the site, and these events are of interest.

Social Media Sunday Funday at the Dead Poet Bar
June 12 02:00 PM — 07:00 PM
The Dead Poet Bar
450 Amsterdam Avenue
b/w 81st and 82nd

There's this other event Sunday evening that looks interesting, but might be by invitation only. This reminds me of the Time event Wednesday evening. I showed up and got told it was by invitation only. When you click on the event website, and it takes you to the Time website, that is a red flag.