Thursday, September 24, 2009

Search: Pregnant Territory

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Once you have figured out that there are four screens - the phone, the browser, the desktop, the wall - it is easy to see search is pregnant territory, rich with possibilities. Search, content, distribution. There is so much to do.

Search is of special interest to me. There is one clear leader, but the challenger is not lacking in money. And for the leader the competition is but one click away. If there was ever an innovation challenge, this is it. Could Microsoft innovate, or find a startup or two that might? That second possibility is more likely. But then Google has been in competition with itself. It never stopped innovating in the search domain and boasts a larger index than anyone else. And its algorithms are still the ones to beat.

Microsoft should try and eat into Google territory. Google should try and eat into Microsoft territory. The consumer will benefit. Search and operating systems are fair game.

Technology Review

What's Microsoft's Bing Strategy? "We are going to compete hard on the core results, but where we are going to differentiate is in organizing results more effectively and providing tools to help searchers make decisions"
Making Search Social
More-Searchable Flash
Opening Search to Semantic Upstarts
Searching as a Team
Building a Better Search Engine
Q&A: Peter Norvig
Digging Deeper in Web Search
Better Search in Virtual Worlds
Wolfram Alpha and Google Face Off
How Twitter Could Bring Search Up to Speed
A Smarter Search for What Ails You

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBase

Microsoft Searches for Group Advantage
A Google Killer Stumbles
Search Engines' Chinese Self-Censorship
A New Perspective on Search Results
Social Search
Jennifer Chayes
Wikipedians Promise New Search Engine

How Facebook Copes with 300 Million Users Technology Review Doing things in or near real time puts a lot of pressure on the system because the live-ness or freshness of the data requires you to query more in real time. ...... There's too much data updated too fast to stick it in a big central database. That doesn't work. So we have to separate it out, split it out, to thousands of databases, and then be able to query those databases at high speed. ...... "Like" became one of the most common actions in the system. ........ a tremendous wealth of photos being uploaded and shared ......... Then we went and built our own storage system called Haystack that's completely built on top of commodity hardware.
Twitter's Growing Pains a large-scale, ground-up architectural revamp ...... it will reduce its reliance on Ruby on Rails, and will move to a "simple, elegant file-system-based approach," to replace its original unwieldy database system. ........ a communications-class technical infrastructure that supports unpredictable activity.
Social Networking Is Not a Business
How Facebook Works
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More Angry Investors Say, Throw the Boards Out
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Makes An Entrepreneur Tick?

Stills from videotape of :en:Bill Gates' depos...Image via Wikipedia

What Have VCs Really Done for Innovation? TechCrunch Back in 1986, when Bill Gates was still making sales calls, he pitched my group at First Boston on why we should bet the farm on Windows. Despite the risk involved, we gave his fledgling startup the deal. This wasn’t because of his financial backers (he didn’t even drop any names), but because we believed in his vision and nerdiness. ....... VC’s follow innovation, they don’t lead. They go where they smell blood.
From Nothing To Something. How To Get There. forget everything else and just get your product out the door
For one there are few of them. But not that few. Every business owner is an entrepreneur. They create and sustain jobs. They are in every sector. The bold ones build the companies of tomorrow. Since most people work in the private sector to feed their families, we can say entrepreneurs are our guiding light. But what makes them tick? The failure rate is high, but many still try.

Partly it is a personality type, I think. Some people go for it, most don't. And there are all kinds. Few are big, most are small. The entrepreneurial spirit can also take over jobholders. I would think the best companies encourage that spirit.

But there is no crystal ball. It is hard to pick the winners early in the game. And, of course, the trailblazers become legends in their own lifetimes.
  1. Bill Gates On The Chrome OS
  2. Bill Gates, Chrome OS, Natal, Wave
  3. Bill Gates: Behind The Curve On Chrome OS
  4. Bill Gates Drove Up Traffic To This Blog
The Holy Grail of the Unconscious New York Times he started to view the human soul — not just the mind and the body — as requiring specific care and development, an idea that pushed him into a province long occupied by poets and priests but not so much by medical doctors and empirical scientists. ....... the same borderlands traveled by both lunatics and great artists. ...... the mangrove swamp of his inner world ........ the idea that a person might move beneficially between the poles of the rational and irrational, the light and the dark, the conscious and the unconscious — that provided the germ for his later work and for what analytical psychology would become. .......... “All my works, all my creative activity,” he would recall later, “has come from those initial fantasies and dreams.” ......... Jung had become disillusioned with scientific rationalism ........ “the spirit of the depths,” a field that makes room for magic, coincidence and the mythological metaphors delivered by dreams. ........ humanity shares a pool of ancient wisdom that he called the collective unconscious
Paul Krugman: Reform or Bust
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

That Thing About Changing The World

Image representing TechCrunch as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase

Memo to Start-ups: You’re Supposed to Be Changing the World, Remember? too many people building safe businesses, too many companies just trying to make existing things slightly better ....... The people who extol the virtues of “sensibility” are never the people at the core of the next great companies. .... Whether press or VCs, they’ll be late to the next wave, just like they were too late to this one.
Or maybe the next big startup is not trying to sqeeze into the dot com space.

Twitter Closing New Venture Round At $1 Billion Valuation TechCrunch
Facebook Crosses 300 Million Users. Oh Yeah, And They Just Went Cash Flow Positive.
RedBeacon Wins The Top Prize At TechCrunch50 2009
Skype Sniffing Around Web Chat Startups
Jajah Brings Voice Calls To Twitter
Posterous Adds Theme Support; Continues To Grow
For Better Social News Times, Make It The Twitter Times
Pricefalls Scores Seed Funding, Launches Online Auction Site In Public Beta
Corkd Is Back With A New CEO, Winery Fan Pages, And A Social Stream
Imitation Isn’t Always Flattery: Microsoft Previews Google Apps Killer To Beta Testers
Fwix Launches API For Real-Time Local News, Announces $2.75 Million Series A Round
TC50: Six Noteworthy Startups From Korea And Japan

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