Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Did My Part

I protested. I did my part. If the protests are not going to work, and the ban on me at the Google Wave API Google Group is not going to be lifted, I move on. I guess I will have to find out other ways to spot trends in Google Wave development. I am sure there will be several good blog options. We are at the early stages of seeing blogs dedicated completely to Google Wave. Maybe some of those bloggers will do the reading for me in those Google Groups.

A great way to follow an open source project is in the very open perhaps.

Google Wave API Google Group: Got To Undo The Ban On Me

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Google Wave API Google Group: Got To Undo The Ban On Me

Google Wave Protest
Google Wave API Google Group: Stalinist Mindset
Einstein was attacked by some with anti-Jewish leanings. When a pamphlet was published entitled 100 Authors Against Einstein, Einstein retorted "If I were wrong, one would be enough."
The name is clear enough: Google Wave API. It is a group about Google Wave API. So if

Lars Rasmussen introduces Google WaveImage by dailylifeofmojo via Flickr

you are going to post messages about viagra ads and Nigerian dictators who need help with money transfer, then you don't belong in the group. So I am not trying to argue it is my human right to belong to the group.

The initial protest was that it was a group for hard core code talk. I respect the sentiment. But there were numerous threads about spam, t-shirts and invitations to Wave. Noone seemed to have been bothered, bothered enough to protest and ban people.

The Google Wave Developer Community Will Be Vibrant
Five Blind Men And Google Wave
A Little Trouble At The Google Wave API Google Group
Lessons From The Open Source Community For The Wave Community
Google Wave Developer Community: Asking For A Culture?
The Google Corporate Culture

The third thing I established was that code and community/culture are both on par, they are both important. You can not expect to have strictly technical conversations and still exp

Lars Rasmussen, Google WaveImage by niallkennedy via Flickr

ect to create waves with Google Wave. And then I offered to stick my vision, culture and community talk to one out of the 300 plus threads in the group.

Then they said, it is not what you are saying, it is how you are saying it. Why do you post links to your blog posts in this group? People who don't "get" links and blogs should voluntarily walk away from a group about Google Wave development.

The slam dunk was I said but my primary interest is in code talk. That is why I joined the group in the first place. I wish to follow all the code related conversations so I can spot trends in Wave development over the coming months as we prepare to unleash Wave upon the world.

And so I am going to keep protesting until they undo the ban on me in the Google Wave API Google Group.

The Google Corporate Culture
Google Wave: Organizations Will Go Topsy Turvy
Google Wave: Enormous Buzz
Possible Google Wave Applications And Innovations
Google Wave Architecture: Designed For Mass, Massive, Global Innovation
The Google Wave Architecture
Google Wave Ripples
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

From The Google Wave Developer Blog

TwilioBot: Bringing Phone Conversations into Waves
1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos

Lars Rasmussen, Google WaveImage by niallkennedy via Flickr

The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

From The Official Google Blog

Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Microblogging Search: What Took Google So Long?

Google has had a blog search for a while now. But it has stayed away from Twitter search for too long. I am glad finally they are doing it, because nobody else is.
Google to Launch a Microblogging Search Engine Google prepares to launch a service that indexes and ranks content from microblogging services like Twitter. ...... Twitter's search engine has two important drawbacks: it's limited to Twitter and it sorts the results by date. While there are other search engines like Tweefind that try to sort Twitter posts by relevancy and search engines like Twingly that index multiple microblogging sites, none of them does a great job. ...... will sort the results by relevancy
About time this happened.

My expectations have been low. I want to be able to find everything I ever tweeted. Is that too much to ask? Has been for the native Twitter search engine.

Monetizing Twitter: A Few Ideas
Real Time Search: Twitter Is Not Doing It

From The Netizen BlogRoll

Obama To Iran's Leaders: Stop 'Unjust' Actions
Iran Election Crisis: 10 Incredible YouTube Videos
AOL’s PoliticsDaily Quickly Surpasses Rival Politico, MediaGlow Sites Continue To Grow after being launched only a month and a half ago ..... received 2.4 million unique visitors compared to 1.1 million unique visitors on Politico.com in May. ......... primarily focuses on in-depth political commentary as opposed to breaking news, provides only original content, from long-form analysis to blog posts on issues in the U.S. political landscape ......... the MediaGlow team is looking to pick up the remnants of the dying print magazine business and digitize this content ......... The Huffington Post saw 5.3 million unique visits in May ...... HuffPo’s a content aggregator
Not Only Was Steve Jobs Sick, He Had A Liver Transplant Jobs has long been thought to be perhaps more important to his company than any single figure is to their’s. But his time away has seemingly proven otherwise
Flip Has Little Chance In An iPhone World The video capable iPhone ........ Along the way Pure Digital fought ridicule from the big video camera companies, who said nobody would want the device. Then, once Pure Digital proved the market, all those competitors jumped in with their own offerings. There are now many devices with similar tech specs as the Flip, but Pure Digital has managed to stay ahead of them all by innovating faster. ......... the iPhone has something that the Flip will never realistically have, cellular and wifi connectivity that lets you upload your videos immediately. .......... You can do basic editing right on the iPhone, and publish it to YouTube immediately. As an added bonus, that video can be geo-stamped via the phone’s GPS capability. ......... iPhone users will be able to stream video in real time from their phones to the Internet. ........ within a couple of years video will be as ubiquitous on those phones as photos are today
Google Flipper Is About To Jump Out Of The Water
Don’t be surprised if Amazon has to raise the price of Kindle books
AdSense: The (Weak) Elephant in the Room AdSense is 30% of Google's revenue ........ Facebook just hired the guy who masterminded AdSense
IPhone 3.0 is Coming Tomorrow: Here is What You Can Expect
Dear CNN, Please Check Twitter for News About Iran The western world's most feared government is shaking with insurrection in the streets ........ the extensive use of Twitter by Iranians in the uprising. ....... real-time, online, crowdsourced media is the best place to keep up with current events
Top 10 YouTube Videos of All Time
Dear Wanna-bes, Your Twitter Stardom is Coming to an End
Google to Launch Microblogging Search Engine? the Google Operating System blog reports that Google will be launching a new microblogging search service that will sort results by relevance and integrate those results with its own web search engine to trigger a "microblog universal search group", closely related to the way Google Blog Search works. If it turns out to be true, this is great news to those of us who constantly search Twitter for the latest news and trends.
Want to Work for the City of Bozeman, MT? Hand Over Your Social Network Logins and Passwords

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