Saturday, June 20, 2009

Google Wave Protest

Google Wave API Google Group: Stalinist Mindset

From The Google Wave Developer Blog

TwilioBot: Bringing Phone Conversations into Waves
1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos
The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

From The Official Google Blog

Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.

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Google Wave API Google Group: Stalinist Mindset

Joseph StalinImage by Freedom Toast via Flickr

I just noticed I have been banned from the Google Group called Google Wave API. The decision sounds Stalinist to me. I would have understood if this was a group for hard core coders who only talked about code. But there were numerous threads on all sorts of non code topics there.

My "crime" was that I pushed forth the opinion that code is important, but so is the coder community and that community's culture. Code is important, but without vision the people shall perish. That I was interested in vision, and community, and I was very interested in code, because I wanted to follow the conversations in the group to be able to spot the trends as they emerge in the Wave developer community. But some genius went ahead and banned me from the group. I don't know where I would go to appeal the decision.

The Google Wave Developer Community Will Be Vibrant
Five Blind Men And Google Wave
A Little Trouble At The Google Wave API Google Group
Lessons From The Open Source Community For The Wave Community

Stalin in 1902Image via Wikipedia

Google Wave Developer Community: Asking For A Culture?
The Google Corporate Culture

My Twitter Suspension Lifted
Can Tweet Google, Can't Tweet Twitter
Netizen Is No Spam Blog
Google: Tweet Me Baby One More Time
I Talked To Google Through Twitter And It Worked Like Magic

This is so ridiculous. The guy who banned me from the group is like the five blind men, he thinks he is feeling the trunk: Five Blind Men And Google Wave.

What makes this ban extra ridiculous is if you are not a member of the group, you can still read its content, but I can't.

From The Google Wave Developer Blog

TwilioBot: Bringing Phone Conversations into Waves
1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos
The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?

From The Official Google Blog

Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Space, Time And Twitter: Are There Plant Twitters?

Wyclef JeanWyclef Jean via

Imagine a newspaper or a TV station that has a bureau in every town on earth, in every capital city. Can you imagine one step further? Imagine a newspaper or network that has someone covering every human being. That is what Twitter is. And Twitter is not a newspaper or a network. Evan Williams is not my Editor In Chief. I don't report to the dude, cool as he is. I don't even report to the world. I don't report to me. It is not important to say out loud who if anyone I report to. But my thought fragments matter. They are fundamental to the social fabric of the world. I matter if or not I want to participate in the jamboree. To twitter is to say you don't need to get on TV, you don't need a microphone, you don't need a gathered audience, you don't

Chris Sacca at TheNextWebImage by richard.pyrker via Flickr

need a special day, or a special moment. Every moment is special if you think it is. That is Twitter.

The 140 Characters Conference: twitter as a News Gathering Tool
Chris Sacca and Wyclef Jean at 140 Characters Conference
The 140 Twitter Conference Is Over…Say It Is Not So!!
Twitter, Twitter, Twitter Everywhere…

What Twitter captures is the basic building block of our social reality. A tweet is an atom. The social reality already existed. Even with old media and with mainstream media, the reality still existed, and the building block was still the atom, the tweet. But now, with Twitter, we get to map that social reality, one tweet at a time.

Twitter is about power to the people where power should have been all along. I wondered o

SAN FRANCISCO - MARCH 10:  Twitter co-founder ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

ut loud once in the late 1990s as to why people talk of term limits for politicians but not for the talking heads on TV. Some of them stick around for decades. And they have power over opinions.

Democracy means the political power rests with the people. Social media - it should really be one word like democracy - means the media power rests with the people.

My Twitter Suspension Lifted
Can Tweet Google, Can't Tweet Twitter
Monetizing Twitter: A Few Ideas

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