Saturday, June 06, 2009

Larry Ellison

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison tells customers that ...Image via Wikipedia

Cisco's Big Dreams: A Clash Of Titans?
Mideast Peace: Tech Industry Style
That StartUp Mentality (2)

Of all the dead people, Einstein is my favorite. Larry Ellison is very, very smart, but he is no genius. But of all the people alive today, my number one hero just so happens to be Larry Ellison. He is very, very smart, but I am sure I can dig up smarter people on the planet. Stephen Hawking is alive and he is borderline genius. (Stephen Hawking Has Taken Sick) It is Larry's life story. I find it vastly inspiring. It is not his smarts, but his out of the box thinking, his guts, his aggressiveness that gets me. I like the guy tremendously. I am fond of him. He gave the world his middle finger the first three decades of his life and then went ahead and created a multi-billion dollar company. That kind of gets me.

Google's Newest Venture: Google Ventures
Q: What's the difference between God and Larry Ellison?
A: God doesn't think he's
Larry Ellison.
On another note, Brooke Ellison is my favorite New York politician. Larry does not know me, or of me, but I am honored to have an active Facebook friendship with Brooke. I have met her in person. (Hands Off Brooke Ellison) She has the most interesting Facebook wall of anyone I know. She says the darndest things.

  • Jesus was born a Jew. Buddha was born a Madhesi. I am a Madhesi. Buddha was born on a full moon day. I was born on a full moon day.
  • There are about 13 million Jewish people on the planet. There are about 13 million Madhesis on the planet.
  • The Jews carved out their own land: Israel. We Madhesis are working to get our own state in a federal Nepal.
  • There is anti-Semitism. There is strong anti-Madhesi prejudice in Nepal.
  • NYC is the first hometown I ever had, and I was past 30 when I got here. There just so happen to be more Jews in NYC than in Tel Aviv.

Larry just bought Sun. And the world knows he is best friends with Steve Jobs. The question is could Larry come up with data centers that are the size of servers? Since now he is not just in the software business, but also in the hardware business like his friend Jobs. I think this bad boy of Silicon Valley could pull it off.

Larry Ellison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lawrence J. Ellison | Executive Biography He also races sailboats, flies planes, and plays tennis and guitar.
Transcript of an Interview with Larry Ellison by Reuters on the ...
Larry Ellison relives reveals network computer netbook dream Oracle could get into the stripped down client PC business. ....... now Oracle is swallowing Sun, he could well imagine the market welcoming Java-powered netbooks.
Larry Ellison Gates and Microsoft compete with Oracle by offering consumers lower-priced products. Ellison and Oracle compete with Microsoft by hiring corporate spies operating through front companies, trying to pay off late night cleaning crews. ......... After conspiring with the Clinton gang to go after Microsoft - now Clinton is hitting him up to help pay for his library. ....... The guy from Oracle (NasdaqNM:ORCL) pushing national ID cards ... "in the electronic age, little privacy is left anyway" ......... in 1999, Oracle hired Investigative Group International ....... IGI....“promptly went trash-hunting” – literally prowling through dumpsters containing the garbage of trade associations and other groups friendly to Microsoft. Ellison’s response to this sleaze: “I feel very good about what we did,” he told the press. “All we did was to try to take information that was hidden and bring it into the light. I don’t think that’s arrogance. That’s public service.” .... "Hi there, can I buy you a car?" ........ a 33-year-old former employee accused of forging an email message. The woman [Adelyn Lee], who was fired shortly after an affair with Ellison, obtained a $100,000 settlement from him. ............ Ellison had previously been invited to join the year-old start-up's board of directors by the company's founder, Marc Benioff, a former Oracle employee. Then last month, Ellison, who is also an investor, was asked to resign because of a conflict of interest. The conflict? Oracle is launching a direct competitor called ............. Friends and foes alike are verbally abused by Ellison. He ridiculed America Online last year ............ Nathan Myhrvold, chief technologist at archrival Microsoft Corp., has been labeled an "idiot" by Ellison. ....... Ellison trounced the company last year by calling its products "very, very thin" and then adding: "You think everybody will start their day with a Netscape logo? No way. It's not going to happen." .......... -- one must wonder if we would actually choose to trade a Bill Gates dictatorship for Larry Ellison's form of technological totalitarianism. ............ Oracle has funded or supported numerous groups that have attacked Microsoft in recent years, such as ProComp, the Progress & Freedom Foundation, the Software & Information Industry Association, and the Computer & Communications Industry Association.......... crass behavior and pompous posturing. The highlight was his phony threat to lead a takeover of Apple. Retire to your mini-Japanese-village estate in Woodside, Larry. Let your teenage son fly around in the jet fighter you gave him for his birthday. Spend your billions. But please shut up ............ Larry Ellison, CEO of Redwood Shores-based Oracle Corp., is constructing a 23-acre Japanese-style imperial villa that will feature 500 mature cherry, maple, ginkgo, and other trees; 5,000 tons of Yuba River boulders; about 81,000 cubic yards of prime dirt; 10 buildings, including a 7,800-square-foot main residence; ponds, hills, islands, and a 2.7-acre main pond with a 3,200-foot shoreline that's fed by two waterfalls cascading from an upper level pond. Reportedly, the chateau has more than doubled in price to about $100 million
Larry Ellison Biography -- Academy of Achievement Ellison was born in the Bronx, New York. At nine months, he contracted pneumonia ....... raised in a two-bedroom apartment on the city's South Side ....... As a boy, Larry Ellison showed an independent, rebellious streak and often clashed with his adoptive father. From an early age, he showed a strong aptitude for math and science, and was named science student of the year at the University of Illinois. ......... enrolled at the University of Chicago the following fall, but dropped out again after the first semester. His adoptive father was now convinced that Larry would never make anything of himself, but the seemingly aimless young man had already learned the rudiments of computer programming ......... Berkeley, California, arriving with just enough money for fast food and a few tanks of gas. For the next eight years, Ellison bounced from job to job, working as a technician for Fireman's Fund and Wells Fargo bank. As a programmer at Ampex, he participated in building the first IBM-compatible mainframe system. ........ Codd's employers saw no commercial potential in the concept of a Structured Query Language (SQL), but Larry Ellison did. ........ Ellison and his partners won a two-year contract to build a relational database management system (RDBMS) for the CIA. The project's code name: Oracle. They finished the project a year ahead of schedule and used the extra time to develop their system for commercial applications. ........... In 1980, Ellison's company had only eight employees, and revenues were less than $1 million ......... The million dollar company was becoming a billion dollar company. Ellison renamed the company Oracle Corporation, for its best-selling product. ........... Oracle went public in 1986, raising $31.5 million ......... zealous young staff habitually overstated revenues, and in 1990 the company posted its first losses. Oracle's market capitalization fell by 80 percent and the company appeared to be on the verge of bankruptcy ........ Oracle 7, released in 1992, swept the field and made Oracle the industry leader in database management software. In only two years the company's stock had regained much of its previous value. ......... In 1998, Ellison and Sayonara won the Sydney to Hobart race, overcoming near-hurricane winds that sank five other boats, drowning six participants. ......... His own yacht, Rising Sun, over 450 feet long, is one of the largest privately owned vessels in the world. ........ the 1990s. America's banks, airlines, automobile companies and retail giants all came to depend on Oracle's database programs. ....... Oracle became a pioneer in providing business applications over the Internet. Oracle benefited hugely from the growth of electronic commerce; its net profits increased by 76 percent in a single quarter of the year 2000. ........ 2004, Ellison set out to increase Oracle's market share through a series of strategic acquisitions. Oracle spent more than $25 billion in only three years to buy a flock of companies and large and small, makers of software for managing data, identity, retail inventory and logistics. ....... in the depths of a global recession, Ellison once again acted boldly, acquiring computer hardware and software manufacturer Sun Microsystems for $7.4 billion. Oracle is now the world's largest business software company, supplying all 100 of of the Fortune Global 100. ...... Since its founding, he has been Oracle's only Chief Executive Officer.
Pillar Data - Larry Ellison's other storage company • The Register Pillar Data is backed by Larry Ellison's personal investment vehicle, Tako Ventures, possibly to the tune of half a billion dollars. ....... Come the end of the recession, he can make a decent return on his investment by getting the company to IPO. Or, he could broker a deal one day to fold Pillar into Oracle.
Can Oracle survive Larry Ellison? - CNET News His senior management team is woefully depleted, with the loss over the past several years of Ray Lane, Gary Bloom, Robert Shaw, Randy Baker, Polly Sumner and many more. Not only is there no one at the top to challenge the often-mercurial Ellison, there is no clear successor to take over in an emergency. ...... a nearing-60 CEO who indulges in high-risk behavior and whose interest in his company is fitful. Two years ago, he told the Oracle AppsWorld conference that if he had to do it over again, he'd probably go into genetic engineering rather than computing. After three generations of computing (mainframes, client-server and Internet), "there will be no new architecture for computing for the next 1,000 years," he proclaimed. "The computing industry is about to become boring." ....... most of Oracle's problems are internal, related to its loss of management at the top, its alienation of everyone from customers to partners, its conflict-ridden culture that sucks energy into the black hole of corporate politics and, last but not least, the flawed personality of the Oracle himself, Larry Ellison. ........ he owns one-fourth of its stock and has a relatively weak board of directors ........ his propensity for fast jets, fast cars and sleek yachts ..... One wonders if he can even conceive of Oracle's existence without him. ...... "It's unclear if Oracle is a sustainable enterprise without Larry, because his personality is so firmly entrenched." ....... an aggressive, expansionist management style works, as long as you're winning. ........ With or without Ellison, his company's future seems so murky that even the ancient Delphic oracle could not predict it.
The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison: *God Doesn't Think ... - Google Books Result Larry Ellison started the high-flying tech company Oracle with $1,200 in 1977

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Friday, June 05, 2009

Possible Google Wave Applications And Innovations

If Google just delivered in a few months that it promised in this video, I would be happy enough. For one, this application will take blogging to a whole new level. And I have been excited enough about Zemanta and Disqus.

But you also wonder, where could this all lead to? What new applications, gadgets, innovations might we see? I have a feeling it will be like Gmail and Gmail Labs. They keep coming up with new, nifty features that you choose to add on.

People will be creating and consuming waves in quantity. New wave forms will become possible.

Google Wave will not be launched for a few more months. I think that might be enough time to get some developers to surprise us in major ways. I can't wait to see.

The mark of a successful web service or app is that (1) it creates buzz, and (2) developers start developing around it. Think of all the Facebook, Twitter, and iPhone applications. Wave will beat them all, I think.

The Wave is the web getting reinvented.

Google Wave Architecture: Designed For Mass, Massive, Global Innovation
The Google Wave Architecture
17 Suggestions To Blogger
Square Search
Google Wave Ripples
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Blogger Search Gadget: What Took You So Long?
Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

On The Web

Google Wave Federation Architecture ‎(Google Wave Federation ... the Google Wave Federation Protocol for federating waves between wave providers on the Internet. ........ various elements of Google Wave technology - data model, operational transformation, and client-server protocol ...... The wave federation protocol enables everyone to become a wave provider and share waves with others. ....... A robot is an automated participant on a wave (see the robots API). Examples are translation robots and chess game robots. ........ A gateway translates between waves and other communication and sharing protocols such as email and IM. ....... Different wavelets of a wave can have different lists of participants. ......... there is a designated wave provider that has the definitive copy of that wavelet. We say that this particular provider is hosting that wavelet. ......... different users have different wave views for a given wave. ...... the user's read/unread state for the wave, is stored in a user-data wavelet ....... A wave is identified by a globally unique wave id, which is a pair of a domain name and an id string. ......... Like a wave id, a wavelet id is a pair of a domain name and an id string. ......... Wavelets in the same wave can be hosted by different wave providers. ........ a federation gateway and a federation proxy. ........... "local wavelet" and "remote wavelet"
Salesforce rides on Google wave : News : Software - ZDNet Asia
Google Wave Architecture
Google's move to introduce a Wave of synchronicity | Web Apps News ... Wave is an architecture, and not really a very new one. It's an old solution to a very old problem: that of synchronicity in distributed applications. ........ the speed and connectivity have not yet existed to deploy a transformational database matrix on a massive scale. But "Google" has come to mean massive scale, and now it's giving the concept a try. ........ One way that it works is by upsetting the typical hierarchy of database architecture ....... Whereas typically you might think of a database as a thing in the core to which changes happen, OT reverses the concept by generating a kind of change model that bears a striking resemblance to a Feynman state-change diagram in quantum physics. Here, the database or "document" that ends up being the beneficiary of change, is used to represent the change itself, or what the architecture calls a wavelet. ........ a better Google Chat than Google Chat .... The architecture itself is the major undertaking here. .... Wave isn't really an app yet, and isn't a fully-fleshed out architecture yet, and doesn't have a complete platform yet
Google Wave - a developer's eye view In the 80s, we called it Lotus Notes. As of recent, we called it Microsoft Sharepoint. Today, I guess, it's Google Wave. ....... Google shoving its fist into the gooey, caramel-center of the enterprise collaboration market is a good thing, because when it comes to APIs, Google sells to the developer, not the managers. ........ think of a "wave" as a collaboratively edited document. ....... you don't have to be running a particular program or be on a particular website to interface with these documents. ........ Embedding a wave into a web page is as easy as a couple of lines of Javascript code and then any stylizing CSS you want to do around it. ...... "Federation....that was hard." ..... Wave servers talk to each other using an extension to XMPP, which is the same protocol that powers Jabber and Google Talk.
Google Wave And Teaching And Learning Where email is all about stored messages, and the web about linked resources, Wave is about collaborative events. ........ like email and the web, and unlike most social network tools - anyone can play ......... A lot of educational technology centres around activity and resource management. ......... the activity type that’s most interesting is likely to be group collaboration, and the most interesting resources are those that can be constructed, annotated or modified collaboratively. ........ the idea of real time document collaboration as the fundamental organising concept ....... Google is treating this as a rising platform/wave that will float all boats. Much as they do with the general web. ....... Wave developer API guide. This is easily the clearest introduction to Wave’s concepts- short and not especially technical

Google Australia Blog

Google monitors influenza trends in Australia
Girls @ Google Day
New Australian gadgets, updated iGoogle
Google Australia opens the doors to our new office
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
More Search Options and Updates from our Searchology Event
Google Analytics Seminars for Success

Other Google Blogs

Tip: Slice and dice your mail with search operators
New in Labs: Gmail search made easier (and lazier) finding the right email among thousands of messages can be as important as finding the right web page across the billions of web pages out there
The Fast and The Full-Screen
Picasa Web Albums stays big, gets faster we had a choice to make: either use smaller images, make the Internet faster, or make our code smarter. ..... we went deep into the code and gave it a thorough tune-up.
Spruce Up Your Blog
Developing and distributing social gadgets just got easier
Mac OS X Spelunking in PowerPC and x86 Assembly, part 2
Get to know the Omnibox

From The Google Blogs

Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.

From The Netizen BlogRoll

Looking Forward to the Vacation
Entrepreneurship in India
Elections 2009: What Next for the BJP
An Entrepreneur's Early Days There is a wafer-thin margin which separates the two worlds .... one with its clear, laid-out path up the corporate ladder, and another with its glorious uncertainties. ........ After two years of working, I finally called it quits and embarked on life as an entrepreneur. ....... It was a dream that would have to wait a decade before I got an opportunity to try to make it happen. ....... I am now in my third innings as an entrepreneur. The first lasted two-and-a-half years and ended in failure. The second lasted five years and ended in my business being sold. The third began two years ago. How it will end I do not know. ....... Financial gain should not be a driving factor or even a consideration in becoming an entrepreneur. ....... All other doors need to be closed, so one cannot run away mid-way ........ Entrepreneurship is not about parallel processing activities, it is about bringing complete focus to something the entrepreneur deeply believes in, even though as time goes on, these beliefs may be altered. ..... fewer than one in thousand find financial success. ...... However good the entrepreneur is in his field, in the area of running his own business, he is a baby. ...... the self-doubt and loneliness of the early days ........ Being a baby, I did a lot of things wrong. There was a lot of stumbling and falling. At that time, it was hard to see what was the good that would come out of all this. But, that is how we learn. The second stint at being an entrepreneur was where all this learning came in useful. ...... a world in which the entrepreneur now seeks to make connections, reach out and touch others. Everything around may be the same, but yet things look and feel quite different. ....... The entrepreneur now needs to start putting a team together, along with raising capital (either from family and friends, or from angels and venture capitalists). Each day is now full of life. ........ The new business has to be built day by day, customer by customer, rupee by rupee. ........ I still remember the day we launched IndiaWorld, the first two customers we got for our home pages, and the first large order we got for a website (I was on a bus back from Nasik on a suspenseful trip in the pre-cellphone era). Even today, the many meetings I had in the early days to try and get content partnerships are still quite fresh. Much of the period since then is a blur, but those few memories are forever etched away. ......... Just like the teenager who feels he can do no wrong, so does the entrepreneur. This is, therefore, also the most dangerous period in the life of the entrepreneur. .......... One has gone through the early, tough days, and there is a latent volcano waiting to explode on the scene. ....... there is no Undo or Edit button. ....... recruiting the second-tier management team, the first markets to tap into, the partners to ally with, the activities to do. This is the time when temptation of doing everything is abundant. This is when judicious decisions need to be made ........ deciding on the few things that need paramount attention ......... there is no way that everything can be done well at the same time. ........ This is as exciting a chess game as any that has been played.
Rethinking Education
A Second Train Journey
Meeting a Friend after 21 Years
Blog Past: 2.0
How much is your social network worth?
Digg for online ads adds tools to open up information sources the Government News Aggregator, which allows citizens to receive consolidated news and information from across the federal government, delivered via RSS feeds ...... the public no longer has to scour a vast array of government websites to follow news that’s relevant to them ...... a Word Cloud that is a visual representation of the top 75 most popular search terms on
China blocks popular websites in lead up to Tiananmen anniversary
Google set to move into e-book space, take on Amazon
Stop selling scarcity
The new Detroit isn’t Detroit Jay Rogers, founder of Local Motors. He is creating the platform and API for new cars that are designed collaboratively by communities and built in microfactories across the country by staffs of only 41 using almost entirely off-the-shelf parts. He says he will be profitable selling only 500 cars. He plans to build 3-5,000 of each model and he’s months away from delivering his first......... Local Motors does what it does best and links to the rest ....... Rogers said the most important hire a company can make today is a CCO, chief community officer. ...... bimodal intelligence ....... The mass market is dead, replaced by the mass of niches. ...... Middlemen are doomed. Local Motors has no dealers. The factory is the showroom. The customers are the salesmen.
Government by the people
No gadget savior in news, neither the device nor the form matters nearly as much as the information and its timing. This requires that publishers unleash their news on every device possible. But no single gadget will be their saviour.
Google Wave and news Just as I was thinking they were behind the curve on the live web - and argued they should buy Twitter - Google attacked it from the left flank with Wave. ...... Because it can feed blog and web pages and Twitter, I see a new way to create content, collaborative and live. I see a new way to make news. ..... Here, I speculated about the topic becoming the new atomic unit of news ...... Wave isn’t just the email we’d invent if email were invented today, as was Google’s goal. Wave is what news can be if we invent it today, as we must. ..... Replace news story with “disease you suffer from” and reporter with primary care doc and editor with specialist and photos with lab results, etc, and you can see its potential. The embeddable newspaper newspapers need to think distributed, that they need to go to where the readers are rather than expecting them to be attracted to news sites like magnets ...... make itself embeddable without having to go through Google’s funnel. ..... Becoming embeddable is a way for a site to act like Google and go with the flow of the internet, to be distributed by its readers, to take its content and branding and advertising out into the web.
The Google – Youtube – Conundrum

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All Books Need To Go Digital

Google Books: Primitive

The book industry is in the grips like the music industry used to be. Then Steve Jobs came along and said we are not a nation of crooks, it is not that people don't want to pay, they just like the idea of digital. Don't fight the technology.

Music is like movies, like books. Books and movies are like music. They are mindfood, and they beg to go digital, full-fledged.

All books ever written and to be written should go digital. That is what the technology asks for. That is the consumer wanting. But that does not have to mean money will not be made from books.

Digital is more efficient, cheaper, easier to move around. How is that bad for business? There are millions of in-copyright, but out-of-print books. Are you telling me the digital option is bad for them? Digital will bring them back to life. Digital will give them immortality.

Every book ever written has to be digitized. But I am also all about authors making money. How do you make money?

(1) Self Publish

Publish books like blogs. There are several good, free blogging platforms. And monetize. Run ads. This is not vanity publishing because if you don't get many readers, you don't make much money. Everyone can get published, but not everyone will get a mass readership. As an author I would rather get rejected by readers than by publishers. What about you? You go global without going on a book tour.

(2) Kindle/Google Publish

Find a digital publisher who will put forth digital only editions. So if the paper book had been out there for $29, the digital version will be sold for $9. But how much you make per book sold will not change. Why are you complaining? And you have a much larger potential audience. So you will likely sell more books.

(3) Monthly Subscription

What if I was made to pay $20 per month by a digital books vendor? Or what if there were a Netflix for books? You could pay per book, or for a certain price you could read as many books as you want. And then it would be the vendor's responsibility to pay the authors, give them their cuts.

(4) The Public Library Option

In-copyright books have been available for free at public libraries. There is no reason why they should not be available also digitally. Think of it as free marketing for your books. You do want buzz.

(5) Ads Inside Books

There are ads inside TV shows. Why can't there be ads inside books? You turn from page 25 to page 26, and boom, there is a full page ad that just paid for your first 25 pages of great reading material. This way digital books can be stand alone digital objects, they don't have to stay online and look like webpages.

Of the four options, I think the best one is the ad supported version. Go free, go global, go massive.

Mideast Peace: Tech Industry Style
Fractals: Apple, Windows 95, Netscape, Google, Facebook, Twitter
Visionary Entrepreneurs Will Recreate The World
That StartUp Mentality (2)
That StartUp Mentality
Apple's Mobile Space: Sizzling
The $100 Computer
Dell, HP, Apple

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