Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Plateau Will Last Less Than Nine Months

What If The Plateau Lasts Nine Months?
That Plateau Feeling

The downturn has seen its worst phase. I don't think we will see an upswing right away, but I don't expect the plateau phase to last as long as the downturn phase did. And there sure will be a takeoff phase. The smartest among us will use this plateau phase to prepare for the takeoff phase.

The US and the world economy have seen much pain. But the US government and G20 took some right decisions. The takeoff was never automatic. Japan had its lost decade and is still reeling.

The US government has taken some right decisions on stimulus. But it still has not done the hard work for banking sector reform. The bankers are in for some tough love if America is to not repeat Japan's lost decade. The world can not afford America having a lost decade.

Don't tell me it is easy to borrow a few trillion from your grandchildren, but tough to show some tough love to bankers.

Globoeconomics: Name Of The Game
A Single Global Currency, A Global New Deal, A Global Economic Council
A Brighter Future Ahead
Needed: A New Global Financial Architecture
Stimulus: Make It A Trillion
Stimulus: Size Matters
Global Finance, Global Terrorism, Global Warming
'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.
'I don't much care where --' said Alice.
'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.
'--so long as I get somewhere,' Alice added as an explanation.

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Google Falling Behind Twitter?

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Google 'falling behind Twitter' Larry Page says search engine has been losing out to micro-blogging site in battle to provide real-time information ...... Chief executive hints that Google could go into partnership with Twitter
I have a suspicion Google indexes webpages all night while we are asleep. And the word Google rhymes with the word owl. So if Google were to get a bird symbol like Twitter does, I think it would have to get an owl. That is kind of unflattering because it should get something that denotes speed, like eagle, now that is another bird word that rhymes with Google.

Google should not try and become Twitter, it can not become Twitter. But then it is not true Twitter does real time search better. Twitter trending topics is not my idea of real time search. Me personally I have little interest in real time search. I seem to be more interested in the Twitter archives. And there the Twitter search engine is outright dysfunctional. I thought I was bookmarking stuff, and then I do a search on my name and the topic and nothing shows. That has happened to me half a dozen times just these past two days. I have had to go dig into a friend's Facebook wall to search for a tweet that I knew I had posted on his wall weeks ago to go fetch it. That was when I missed Google.

Maybe Google should let Twitter have the Twitter trending topics, and make use of the already available Twitter API, or whatever else you need, to become the choice search engine for the vast Twitter archives. How many different ways can you let me explore the Twitter archives? That's what I am asking.

Google is by far still the search engine to beat.

Google Is Working On Search
Stream 2.0: The Next Big Thing?
Taking The Number 2 Spot On Google Search For Donut Android
Hitting Number 4 For Google Search Results on Cupcake Android
The Search Results, The Links, The Inbox, The Stream
Search: Much Is Lacking
The Next Search Engine
Email, Search, News

Eminem: The Relapse: Twitter
What Just Happened?
Converting To The Mass Follow Formula On Twitter
My Relationship With Ashton Kutcher
0 Tweets, 30,000 Followers: Could That Be Oprah?
Twitter Is Not Micro
The Depth Of Your Friendships At Twitter
Goal: A Billion People On Twitter
Search Come Full Circle: That Human Element

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