Friday, April 17, 2009

The Human Is The Center Of Gravity In Computing

The Pioneer plaque.Image via Wikipedia

Web 1.0 was, well, offline you had posters, online you had websites. That was so rudimentary and geeky, cheesy. That was early stage.

Web 2.0 has been way more exciting. we realized the web was meant to be populated by human beings. People like you and me. The ordinaires.

So it bothers me when people talk of a possible Web 3.0 as a way to get back to machine language. They talk of the semantic web.

Web 3.0 has to be even more about people than Web 2.0. That is a vision worth fighting for. The vision war has to be won. People matter.

Web 2.0 has been 2D, Web 3.0 has to be 3D. People are 3D. The rectangle on the screen is too confining. We ask for liberation.

What would Facebook be today without its 200 million people? Facebook is no spaceship to oggle at. People matter. We are the web.

Each human being is unique. That is a scientific truth. No two snowflakes are alike. The web is poorer for every human not yet online.

Web 3.0 is about getting more and more people online. 3.0 is about getting every human being online. 3.0 is about seeing the vital center.

Web 4.0, I don't know. I call it next generation software. I don't have the foggiest idea. Web 5.0, though, is face time. Circle complete.

All along, through 2.0 and beyond, what we were really trying to do is communicate, to reach out, to meet, to talk, to converse, to express.

We were trying to hear, to be heard, so we should really value it when we do meet. Web 5.0 is face time. Face time is godly.

In physics there is nothing faster than the speed of light. On the web there is nothing past Web 5.0, past face time. Semantic web is 2.1.

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Blogging Several Times A Day

For the past few days I have been blogging several times a day.

Blogging Tips
A Blogger Is Also An Editor
Blog Daily
Where Have You Placed Your Ads?
Sites That Pay You To Blog

April 17
April 16
April 15
April 14
The idea is to spill your stream of consciousness thoughts, ideas, perspectives into that collective stream. Curiously that also jacks up your blog's status with the search engines. Yesterday I googled up "sites that pay you to blog" and my post on the topic showed up in the top 10 results.

Sites That Pay You To Blog

It is almost as if for the past few days I have been spending more time blogging than tweeting. But then I discovered something else. When you download about four blog posts in a row into your Twitter stream, suddenly you get 10 new followers on Twitter. That is not like Oprah getting 50,000 new followers before her first tweet, but it is something. Like they say, it adds up, and it is organic growth.

0 Tweets, 30,000 Followers: Could That Be Oprah?

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Visionary Entrepreneurs Will Recreate The World

WASHINGTON - MARCH 13: Warren Buffett, chairma...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

That Plateau Feeling

Unless the political leadership gets the fundamentals right, there is not too much room for the entrepreneurs to play. Warren Buffett has said he could not have done what he has done if he were not in America. The soccer field is necessary. The referees matter fundamentally. The paint buckets matter to the artist. But great soccer is played by great soccer players. I compare visionary entrepreneurs to great soccer players.

Visionary entrepreneurs will lead the green tech revolution. Visionary entrepreneurs will create the next generation financial institutions. Visionary entrepreneurs will make it possible for the world to pour a trillion dollars into microfinance. Visionary entrepreneurs will create the next generation jobs, companies and industries so that Brazil, Russia, India, China and others maturing economically is good not bad news for America.

Political leaders have to provide the soccer field. It is good to see them hard at work.

In The News

Gmail now knows who you want to e-mail
The Web In Numbers: The Rise of Social Media

Twitter's big day? Here comes Oprah
Second Life's economy is the envy of the real world
Teen Twitter worm writer gets job, spreads new worm
EPA calls greenhouse gases a public threat

The Technology Entrepreneur’s Guidebook
Famous Technology Entrepreneurs
Study: A profile of the U.S. tech entrepreneur | News Blog - CNET News
Wired Campus: New Study Debunks Myth That Most Tech Entrepreneurs ... the median and average age at which U.S.-born entrepreneurs founded their technology and engineering companies was 39

Startup company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High Tech Startup Valuation Estimator
Ten questions for a high-tech startup | Tech News on ZDNet
Adam's Advice and Reading List for High Tech Startup Entrepeneurs
Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship - Starting and Running Your Own ...
Entrepreneurs and Small Business News and Information

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