Friday, April 17, 2009

That Plateau Feeling

(Krugman, December 2007)

The Wall Street Crash of 1929, the beginning o...Image via Wikipedia

There was the original bailout before America even had elections. Then there was the jumbo stimulus package. And then the G20 summit where the world leaders took substantive action. Next thing you know good news started trickling out of Wall Street. It is not exactly time to throw a party yet. There is no boom feeling. But I have a feeling the big crisis that has been blowing hot and cold for the past eight months might have plateaued.

The good news is the steep fall part of the bungee jump might be over. The bad news is there is no telling how long the plateau might last. The worse news is we are not in the upswing phase yet. And you still hear the sound of glass being broken.

The US economy, and the global economy are such big monsters, it is hard for any government to steer them in any direction at any speed. It is kind of like trying to give a 180 degree turn to the Titanic.

For the past decade we have talked of global warming, and we have talked of global terror. But we were not exactly talking global finance. Imagine twice as many hurricanes any given year. Imagine 10 dirty bombs in the 10 big cities of the world on the same day. Those would be the climate and terror versions of what we have been going through in finance.

The pain has been very real, and ultimately it is for the political leadership to steer a course. We have to have a healthy, robust debate all along. We have to be creative, inventive. We have to do the sane thing, the right thing. We have to think long term. We are in this together. This is one world, one planet, one globe.

Onto A Nuclear Weapons Free Planet
A Single Global Currency, A Global New Deal, A Global Economic Council
A Brighter Future Ahead
Old White Men Need To Chew Gum
Needed: A New Global Financial Architecture
The State Of The Union Will Be Strong
Mideast: Permanent Peace Is Possible
Stimulus: Make It A Trillion
Stimulus: Size Matters
Global Finance, Global Terrorism, Global Warming

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blogging Tips

Darren Rowse: How I Make Money Blogging

:en:Seth GodinImage via Wikipedia

Seth Godin: How to Get Traffic to Your Blog
Rand Fiskin: 21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic
Skellie: 25 Paths to an Insanely Popular Blog
Yaro Starak: Why Don’t Bloggers Understand Email Marketing?
Maki: 6 Fool-Proof Steps to Make More Money With Your Website
Liz Strauss:

Chris Brogan:

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0 Tweets, 30,000 Followers: Could That Be Oprah?

Winfrey on the cover of O, The Oprah Magazine.Image via Wikipedia

Yes, it is. Only Oprah can do something ridiculous like that. And I got the Oprah-On-Twitter news from a woman whose middle name is 8 and who is one of the more prolific litterers of my Facebook stream, no complaints. Yes, 8. Yes, the digital age 8. She is so digital. No surprise she dates a Googler. (Craig Silverstein)

Oh Oh Oprah
O O Oprah, Sa Sa Santa
Oprah Needs To Hit The Campaign Trail

I think Twitter has arrived. What do you think? I mean, what is more mainstream than getting Oprah's attention? The Twitter people's gonna celebrate.

I have to admit I have never watched a complete Oprah show. But I think the woman is fascinating and lovely. She has an amazing life story. She is my idea of an out of the box thinker. She has said if she had been given a dollar for every time she was told not to do something but she did it anyways, she would have made a billion. I think she did make a billion.

My excuse. I don't own a TV. And she is not on YouTube.

Fractals: Apple, Windows 95, Netscape, Google, Facebook, Twitter
I Talked To Google Through Twitter And It Worked Like Magic
Twitter And The Time Dimension
What Should Facebook Do
TweetDeck, Power Twitter, Twitter Globe, Better Than Facebook
TCC: Twitter Community College
Twitter Tips: It's A Bird, It's A Bird
Mitch Kapor Now Following Me On Twitter
I Get Twitter

Guess what I also just noticed. Zemanta now shows you articles from this blog Netizen. Zemanta has arrived.

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