Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Blogger Is Also An Editor

Hemingway posing for a dust jacket photo by Ll...Image via Wikipedia

A blogger is a writer. We all know that. But a blogger is also an editor. I have to make this point because some bloggers feel they are cheating when they have a lot of links and a lot of video clips to go with their blog posts. You are not cheating, you are being an editor. It is perfectly okay to once in a while put out blog posts that are all links, or that are all video clips, no original writing whatsoever. You are telling your readers these are news articles or blog posts I read, these are videos I watched, and I recommend them to you. Actually, I would be suspicious if your blog posts are all original writing. If there are no links, at least a few links, I am going to ask, so what is the context? And images and videos add to the aesthetics. The best videos on the topic at hand I would say are indispensable. A video is worth 10,000 words, or more. YouTube makes it easy. The video code takes so little space. You don't have to worry about bandwidth issues. You embed. That does not make it cheap, that makes it user friendly.

YouTube is an essential tool for blogging. Zemanta is an essential tool.

Blog Daily
Where Have You Placed Your Ads?
Sites That Pay You To Blog

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Blog Daily

.deviation in direction.Image by just.K via Flickr

Blog daily. Take a day or two off per week, but otherwise blog daily. You must have one thing you feel really passionate about. And your blog has to revolve around that passion. But once it does, you are free also to rant about whatever else, whenever. But that one passion has to shine through. And if you were to read about 10 news items on any given day in your passion domain, you will find at least one topic, one subtopic to rant about that day. The more blogs that link to yours, higher goes your ranking, but that is not directly in your control. More often you blog, higher your search engine ranking. That is in your control. Blog daily.

Blog Daily
Where Have You Placed Your Ads?
Sites That Pay You To Blog

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Where Have You Placed Your Ads?

Deng XiaopingImage via Wikipedia

Until yesterday my ads were in the white zone, at the very bottom, and on the side bar in the middle. I had this if-you-build-it-they-will-come attitude. Once I start getting enough page hits, revenue will follow, that was my attitude. But the point is, ad placement works at all page hits levels.

I moved my ads to the orange zone only yesterday evening, and already my earnings have gone up by a factor of four, and I am only half way through the day.

I made two major changes on my three primary blogs yesterday.
For now Nepal and Barackface have the most blog posts, but now my primary blog is Netizen.
  1. I used to have only one blog post per page. Now I have three blog posts per page.
  2. Now I have ads at the bottom of each blog post. That also ends up being ads at the top of two blog posts. So I have one in the orange zone, and two in the red zone now. And that has made a huge difference.
A less cluttered side bar also makes a blog more user friendly. And the footer now only has a search engine. That makes the blogs look cleaner.

And all this was very easy to do. For those of you familiar with the Blogger dashboard, click on "Layout." Then click on "Page Elements." Go to the box called "Blog Posts." Click on "Edit." There you can decide you want three posts per page and that you want to "Show Ads Between Posts." Google only allows for three ads per page, so three posts per page is a good number.

Because I now have three posts per page, now I don't feel the pressure to write particularly long posts. And so yesterday I had the busiest day ever at Netizen measured by the number of posts. So ad placement is not the only reason the earnings today are so much higher.

And yesterday I wrote my first blog post advertisement: Advanced Global Materials. Google makes money from ads, so can I. It is a problem only if all your posts at your blog are blog post ads. But as long as you maintain a healthy ratio between your regular posts, and your ad posts, and you clearly state at the bottom of a post that it is an ad, I think you are okay. (Sites That Pay You To Blog)

Like Deng Xiaoping said, to make money is a good thing.

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