Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Silvina Moschini: Extraordinary Entrepreneur

People talk of a digital sales funnel. Unicorn Hunters is an inspiration funnel.

The Road to Unicorn Status: My Story as the First Latin American to build one In March, I served as one of the four judges at the Entrepreneurship World Cup in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a prestigious competition that empowers entrepreneurs from around the world to showcase their solutions and businesses and compete for a total of US$1 million in prize money. At this year’s event, we witnessed first-hand entries from very innovative and promising startups from over 200 countries. The top 100 finalists qualified from an impressive pool of over 21,000 participants. .......... I must commend Saudi Arabia for its unparalleled commitment to women’s inclusion, innovation, and building an entrepreneurial ecosystem, which has led to significant economic progress in the region. ......... Creating a unicorn, a startup valued at over US$1 billion, is the ultimate dream of every entrepreneur. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula to building a successful business, the best startups typically possess a few key traits. They are disruptors in their field, challenging conventional business models and introducing new ideas and products. To achieve such an extraordinary feat, entrepreneurs must possess a deep understanding of their industry, be able to identify gaps and business opportunities, and have enough determination to persevere and endure when faced with failure and other challenges. ......... As teleworking became the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave me the opportunity to become the first Latin American woman to lead a company worth US$1 billion. My business became a unicorn in October 2020 and is now valued at US$3.2 billion. ........ During my visit to Saudi Arabia, I was also invited to speak at BIBAN 2023, one of the largest startup, SME, and entrepreneurship forums in the region, which every year brings together more than 350 speakers, 750 entrepreneurs, and over 100,000 attendees. I must say I was overwhelmed by the energy and enthusiasm of the audience. ........ I’ve always lived by the motto of “skirt the rules” in my professional career, which means to go around the rules without breaking them. Having this as a guiding principle has ultimately enabled me to transform crises into opportunities. ........ The path to becoming a unicorn is not linear and requires not just passion and hard work but also a keen understanding of timing, innovation, and execution. Only then can you achieve that elusive goal. ............ In recent years I discovered that the model that enables people to access capital markets was broken and needed to be fixed. .......... The investment panel is made up of: the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak; Rosie Rios, the former Treasurer of the United States whose signature appears on about US$1.3 trillion of American currency in circulation; Lance Bass, the charismatic bass singer in American pop boy band NSynch, US attorney and political advisor Moe Vela, and Russian entrepreneur and former banker Alex Konanykhin. ......... We also invest in these businesses and give them the visibility they need so that millions of people can also invest in them via the web. ........... At Unicorn Hunters, we live by a conviction of seeking to democratize access to capital for entrepreneurs and provide access to investment opportunities for the masses. The show has been a box office hit, watched by millions of people around the world, and has received millions of dollars in investment deals. ......... UNICOIN, a new cryptocurrency that can be used to invest in startups and other assets with high growth potential. Our currency is also geared towards women who have traditionally been marginalized in the financial system. Our goal is to build one of the largest cryptocurrencies worldwide and redefine the term smart crypto. ........... Building a startup that becomes a unicorn is an impressive achievement that takes hard work, talent, and vision. But for those who are willing to put in the effort, becoming a unicorn entrepreneur is not just about achieving financial success. It is about making a meaningful impact and leading with purpose, and inspiring others to do the same. .

Monday, March 27, 2023

27: Artificial Intelligence

This Chipmaking Step Is Crucial to the Future of Computing—and Just Got 40x Faster Thanks to Nvidia

GODFATHER OF AI SAYS THERE'S A MINOR RISK IT'LL ELIMINATE HUMANITY "IT'S NOT INCONCEIVABLE." "Until quite recently, I thought it was going to be like 20 to 50 years before we have general purpose AI," Hinton said. "And now I think it may be 20 years or less." ....... an AGI would be capable of learning and thinking on its own to solve a vast array of problems. ...... we should be carefully considering its consequences now — which may include the minor issue of it trying to wipe out humanity. ....... the real issue on the horizon is how AI technology that we already have — AGI or not — could be monopolized by power-hungry governments and corporations ........ humanity still has a little bit of breathing room before things get completely out of hand ............ "we're going to move towards systems that can understand different world views" — which is spooky, because it inevitably means whoever is wielding the AI could use it push a worldview of their own. ....... "You don't want some big for-profit company deciding what's true"

Cultured Chicken Is a Step Closer as a Second US Company Gets FDA Approved

OpenAI Connects ChatGPT to the Internet
Nvidia Speeds Key Chipmaking Computation by 40x
Epic’s New Motion-Capture Animation Tech Has to Be Seen to Be Believed
United to Fly Electric Air Taxis to O’Hare Beginning in 2025
These New Tools Let You See for Yourself How Biased AI Image Models Are
BMW’s New Factory Doesn’t Exist in Real Life, but It Will Still Change the Car Industry
Fusion Power Is Coming Back Into Fashion
Plastic Paving: Egyptian Startup Turns Millions of Bags Into Tiles