Sunday, March 20, 2022

Which Coin To Hold?

Right And Wrong And The Blockchain

We would rather be talking to Satoshi, but he is nowhere to be found. He might not even be a person. It might be a pen name. It might have been a group of people. He has not surfaced. Even Deep Throat finally surfaced. Perhaps Satoshi will. In the mean time, we have Vitalik Butarin.

Time magazine did a profile on him recently. And he looks helpless.

The genie is out of the bottle. And the greedy people are having a have at it. That is the picture that emerges. The Blockchain so far is just another club of filthy rich white men.

The Blockchain is not supposed to be trickle down. The very promise is bottom up. So far it has not happened. The promise is there. But if all hope is on the technology, the hope will not be realized. There are human choices to be made.

Right and wrong is not on the blockchain. The blockchain is neutral. Right and wrong is in the spiritual domain. Right and wrong is inherently human.

It is being said Blockchain bookkeeping will be triple entry, as opposed to double entry as has been, and that will allow regulators and ordinary investors to monitor a company in real time.

I firmly believe a Decentralized Autonomonus Organization (DAO) that brings together all Afghans in countries with free speech will wrestle that country away from the Taliban.

If you believe in democracy, organize the diaspora. Let them get organized. And Facebook Groups don't cut it. You need sophisticated organizations. You need a DAO.

There is plenty of orgaizing to do inside the US itself. The idea that property taxes should pay for schools is insane. The poor kids will never catch up. I am for socialism in education.