Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gaming Has Been Bigger Than Movies A While Now

Made in America: Game industry grows 4 times faster than U.S. economy
the game-industry .. business grew more than 9 percent annually from 2009 to 2012. That rate more than quadrupled the wider U.S. economy, which spent those years stuck around a mediocre 2 percent growth. ..... games contribute more than $6.2 billion to the American economy in 2012. ..... Annual job growth for gaming from 2009 to 2012 outpaced the rest of the economy 13-fold. Gaming averaged 9 percent while the rest of the labor markets only grew jobs by less than a percent. ..... ESA’s study found that 42,000 people work directly for the game industry throughout 36 states. If you widen the focus and look at people directly and indirectly employed due to gaming, that number grows to 146,000 individuals. The average salary for industry employees is $95,000, and direct compensation averaged more than $4 billion over the three-year period

Satya Nadella Goes To India

Wi-Fi Signal logo
Wi-Fi Signal logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is a magic bullet. This would do more to transform India than any other single thing.

This TV spectrum thing is more promising than satellites and drones. Drones might be best for the least populated parts of the world.

Microsoft plans to provide free internet access across India
the firm has proposed to use the "white space" - the unused spectrum between two TV channels - to provide free connectivity to large sections of the Indian population. ...... The 200-300 MHz spectrum band available in the white space can reach up to 10 km compared to 100 metres range provided by Wifi ..... This spectrum belongs mainly to Doordarshan and the government and is not used at all. The firm has sought clearance from the government for a pilot project in two districts ..... The programme would be implemented in phases from this year till 2018 and ensure that government services are available to citizens electronically.