Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Quality Video Will Keep Fetching Top Dollars

The Internet will not make the Television go away. They will merge. And quality content will keep making money. It can be argued, more money. It is harder to make a top quality 30 minute video clip than it is to take one great photo. There is still a barrier to entry, but the barrier is lower, and so more high quality content gets in.
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Ocean City

You need to believe this, I wrote my last post before I read this article, which is mind blowing.

The Next Giant Chinese City Will Float In The Ocean
The whole city is designed to be fairly self-sufficient. Tidal energy will power the island, and farms and hatcheries around the edge will provide food. Trash will be converted into more energy on site. The island will even have its own factory producing some hyper-local goods..... As futuristic as it seems, the island may be coming soon--a large Chinese property investment firm is reviewing the design now and expected to begin testing some of its components in 2015.

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