Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ingress: State Of The Game: New York City (3)

Looks like the blue team has regained momentum after a few massive attacks on the West Village. And the momentum has been gained through one strategy: doing nearly daily L8 farm events. But I have no doubt the pendulum will swing again. It always does. The only question is if the swing will be in the 60-40 zone or the 55-45 zone. One team owning 66% of the territory might never happen again.

The Upper East Side is solid green. The East Village and the West Village might take hits, but they always go back to being strong green.

A big change in Queens is is that now FMCP (Flushing Meadows Corona Park) mostly stays green. It used to be almost always blue. Gotta watch Henrock.

Washington Heights has become a strong blue zone. KeyserJoze might have had a role to play.

Forest Hills is the bluest dot in the city. Too bad it is such a remote location that few people visit.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ingress: Could The Squad Be Cross Faction?

Last night agent BxBomber (green) put forth an interesting thought. How about having a cross faction Squad? I had not thought about it, but the idea makes tremendous sense.

A cross faction Squad would be a mark of good sportsmanship. I can think of few secrets in this game. This is a simple game. I am a blue agent. When I see a green L7 farm my first instinct is to hack. I get the same AP for capturing a L3 green portal as I would a L7 green portal, but L7 portals are harder to capture.

To me the most exciting aspect of this game is complex fielding. And so what I have been most excited about for the past few months now has been making portal submissions.

What would a cross faction Squad do? It would come up with best practices in the game to publicly share. It would organize cross faction events. That would include L7 and L8 farms. It would make major efforts at portal submissions and player recruiting. It would come up with a set of values.

I am open to the idea. Let the brainstorming begin.

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