Saturday, March 09, 2013

Mashable's Infinite Real Estate

English: Pete Cashmore at the Mashable Connect...
English: Pete Cashmore at the Mashable Connect in May 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mashable is a unique tech success story. It is a media brand name, true, but it is essentially a tech startup gone large. I was just thinking Mashable's unique three different size columns, ample use of white background, and infinite scrolling seems to make for infinite real estate. You show up to read one article and you end up reading many headlines and few more articles. It is very well designed. Mashable has made better use of real estate than Facebook itself.
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Friday, March 08, 2013

Snapchat's Year

Image representing Bill Gates as depicted in C...
Image via CrunchBase
Last year it was Highlight's year to shine at SXSW. This year I think that honor goes to Snapchat.

Twitter had its year. It was Twitter that put SXSW on the tech map. One year FourSquare stole the show.

Next year I think we will see a new paradigm emerge. That new paradigm is the NUI, the Natural User Interface. It will be like moving from 2D to 3D. All apps will need to be overhauled. New possibilities will emerge.

The Snapchat Lawsuit, Or How To Lose Your Best Friend Over $70 Million
Bill Gates at SXSWedu: The future of education is data
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