Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ingress Can Be Modified For Grassroots Organizing

Ingress (Photo credit: sukiweb)
Ingress could be modified or open sourced into a great grassroots organizing tool. Like on Ning you can create your own communities, on Ingress you should be able to create your own smaller action groups.

Google’s Ingress is more than a game, its a potential data exploitation disaster
looks incredibly interesting and was met with mass intrigue .... Google has created an elaborate ruse to convince (possibly hundreds of) millions of people to share far more location and behavior data with the company than has ever been the case before. ...... A potentially more nefarious use of the Ingress data would be to serve hyper-targeted, location-based advertising in a way that the proverbial lovechild of Foursquare and Highlight could only dream of. .... The augmented reality game is a truly novel concept and one that has tremendous opportunity as an “online to offline” entertainment experience. From what I can tell, the small team within Niantic Labs – a skunkworks-like division within Google’s LA offices – worked incredibly hard on the project, as the positive early reception has borne out.
The basic Ingress infrastructure could also be leveraged to build more complex games. Think of Ingress as Android. Android can be modified. Although there is something to be said of the pure Android experience.
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