Thursday, January 17, 2013

Intel, Mobile And The Global South

Image representing Intel as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase
Lowering the price is always a great innovation in my book. That is the only way to truly reach the masses.

But this is more about Intel and less about the "developing market." Intel won the PC handily, but totally lost out on mobile.

Will the Developing World’s Smartphones Have Intel Inside?
The chip is designed to power Android phones that are cheap compared to those devices sold in rich countries such as the United States. ..... Latin America, Africa, China, South East Asia ... Low-cost smartphones have already begun selling in large numbers in Africa and elsewhere .... those models have been built on processors significantly less advanced than those used in high-end smartphones. Intel believes its new processor will strike the right balance between price and performance
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A Good Camera App

English: A collage of an image modified with 1...
English: A collage of an image modified with 16 different Instagram filters (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have been on the lookout for a good camera app for my phone. I already have Instagram, and a free one and a paid one. I erroneously thought an app would increase my phone's zoom capacity. That does not seem to be the case. Not being able to zoom in from far seriously limits your ability to take good pictures.

The 12 best Android camera apps around
several ways a separate point-and-shoot is better than a smartphone camera (and not just in picture quality)
Top 10 Best Camera Apps for Android
you know what they say – “The best camera is the camera with you.”
9 Apps to Transform Your Android Phone Into a High-End Camera
Best Android Camera App 2012
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