Thursday, November 08, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III In The Lead

If the iPhone 5 came after the Samsung Galaxy S III and if the Samsung Galaxy S III is better, and features from the Samsung Galaxy S III have been seen in the iPhone 5, has Apple copied Samsung?

This whole tussle did not happen with PCs. Why is it happening with smartphones? I don't believe this is a good outlet for creative energies.

Move Over iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S III Takes First Place
In the five months since its release, the Galaxy S3 has sold 30 million units, including worldwide pre-orders of over nine million, and Samsung, like Apple, has pursued a strategy of releasing it widely through multiple carriers.
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Twitter Was Great On Election Night

YouTube Politics and Twitter is how I followed election returns. Twitter was in the lead.

Twitter Is Now The Best Way To Follow Election Results
Obama's win a big vindication for Nate Silver, king of the quants