Sunday, October 07, 2012

Nexus 7 Is A Big Deal

With Nexus 7 Google gave the iPad a run for the money. Nexus 7 is a big deal. And in case you don't know Android is now neck and neck with the iPad in terms of market share. What happened with smartphones has also happened with tablets.

I think this thing replaces the smartphone. To an extent it does. It is cheaper than Republic Wireless on that count.

7 reasons why the Google Nexus 7 is good for business
its front-facing camera, built-in microphone, and easy Google+ integration, the Nexus 7 is a good option for those who want to keep in contact via videoconferencing. This makes communicating on the go relatively easy, and provides an alternative to Apple’s popular Facetime application.
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How Is Google Different?

For one, it has stayed supremely innovative. Anthropologists need to look into Google's culture. There is something in that culture.

Google is my favorite tech company. I am a Google fanboy like some people are Apple fanboys. Hardware is afterthought to me. For me a laptop is something that takes me to the Chrome browser.

Robert Bork on antitrust: Google is no Microsoft
a case of competitors' sour grapes ..... Bork's mention of competitors is a not-so-veiled swipe at a lobbying group called that's funded by Google competitors including Microsoft, Oracle, and Kayak. FairSearch claims that governments "must act now" against Google "to protect competition, transparency, and innovation in online search." ..... FTC action against Google "for its search practices would necessitate regulation of search algorithms and product improvements, which would retard the current pace of innovation in Internet search that has created enormous gains in consumer welfare."
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