Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Samsung Hits Back

What Apple and Samsung are doing to each other is stupid.

Samsung makes good on threat of patent suit against iPhone 5
adding the iPhone 5 to a list of devices that includes the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and the new iPad that Samsung accuses of infringing on several Samsung patents. .... the eight patents in question include six utility patents and two standard essential patents unrelated to its LTE patent portfolio
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Sean Parker's Misadventure: AirTime

The AirTime I got to know was a video chat site where the video simply did not work. I tried a few times and gave up. This has not been a failure of the idea.

“Like Eating Glass”: Sean Parker on Airtime’s Bumpy Launch, Exec Departures and More
Like Color, time for Airtime to get off the air
Sean Parker's Airtime weathers early turbulence
Absurdly Hyped Startup Airtime Has Officially Flopped And Top Execs Are Fleeing
Execs Abandon Airtime as Sean Parker Resorts to Meaningless Buzzwords
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