Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Engineering, Sales: Equally Important

Marissa Mayer's Blind Spot

Call it high tech and high touch. Engineering and sales are both equally important. And as CEO, even if you have primarily an engineering background, you can not ignore sales. Sales is what is making LinkedIn do well on Wall Street while Facebook is licking it.

Sales does seem to be Mayer's blind spot. Although she has had a great stage appearance since when she was at Google. That is sales.

But product is what has been Yahoo's weakness. And Mayer's focused on product. She will come around to it, I am sure.
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Mayer Should Give Search To Google, If Possible

Mayer Should Look Beyond Search

I am not privy to the contractual details between Microsoft and Yahoo, but I am sure there is wiggle room. And Mayer should exploit that and give Yahoo's search to Google. If my search experience is going to be as great at Yahoo.com as at Google.com, I am going to be more likely to end up at Yahoo.com. I mean, Google.com has nothing else going on, the Yahoo homepage is melodrama.

Google would love to bounce Bing from Yahoo
Microsoft and Yahoo’s Bing relationship has been rocky
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