Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Google Chrome 21: Can You Smell It?

google chrome
google chrome (Photo credit: toprankonlinemarketing)
21 releases already? That is fast paced innovation. Chrome has been the best browser for a while now. It's just that Internet Explorer has legacy users.

Google Chrome 21 stable release adds Retina MacBook Pro support, webcam use without plugins
Chrome 21 is now crisp and clear for those who took the plunge on Apple's new laptop but would rather not cling to Safari for the web. No matter what hardware you're using, Google has rolled in its promised WebRTC support to let webcams and microphones have their way without Flash or other plugins. Other notable tweaks like wider support for Cloud Print
New senses for the web
What if web apps could see? What if they could hear? ..... The getUserMedia API is the first step in WebRTC, a new real-time communications standard which aims to allow high-quality video and audio communication on the web

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Patent Potholes

English: Portrait of Judge Elbert Tuttle, take...
English: Portrait of Judge Elbert Tuttle, taken by United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, from here. It is a work of the federal judiciary, so it is in the public domain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Software is like music. Notes can not be patented.

Top patent court struggles to decide when software is patentable
the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit that upheld a patent on the idea of using a computer to perform a particular kind of financial transaction. Now, just a couple of weeks later, the same court has reached the opposite conclusion about a patent on using a computer to manage a particular type of life insurance policy. ..... The courts have long ruled that "abstract ideas" and "mental processes" are not eligible for patent protection. And that has implications for the patentability of software. .... Every computer application, no matter how sophisticated, consists of nothing more than "the performance of repetitive calculations." .... At root, the judges of the Federal Circuit appear confused about how computers work
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