Thursday, July 26, 2012

Path Maneuvres

PandoMonthly - March 2012 - Sarah Lacy Intervi...
PandoMonthly - March 2012 - Sarah Lacy Interviews Path's Dave Morin (Photo credit: thekenyeung)
Path started out by saying it is insane you can have 5,000 friends. 50 should be it. And it started out by being mobile only. That second might be a bigger differentiator than the first, if you are talking Path and Facebook. Hopping onto Android was a pretty big move. By now the app is in a sound place.

Path Debuts Version 2.5: Bigger Photos And Videos, Book And Movie Sharing, New ‘Nudge’ Feature

Good thing the "Poke" Facebook is not going after the "Nudge" Path. I guess we are not talking Apple and Samsung.
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Wikileaks And SOPA

Image representing New York Times as depicted ...
Image via CrunchBase
I see a connection between the two. In both cases the traditional nation state felt threatened, or still does.

The NYT’s Bill Keller on why we should defend WikiLeaks

Internet technology is bringing about a fundamental rethink on the relationship between the individual and the state. And state actors often times act defensive. The embrace part is when politicians use social media.
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