Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quantum Network

PC Magazine: Scientists Build First Working Quantum Network
Time: World’s First Quantum Network Built with Two Atoms, One Photon
Scientific American: Bits of the Future: First Universal Quantum Network Prototype Links 2 Separate Labs
Engadget: Scientists create the first universal quantum network, are scared to restart the router
CNet: Physicists connect the dots on quantum computing
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The Subway, The Mobile Phone: NYC, The Global South

The subway more than anything symbolizes NYC for me, a city I love. The mobile phone similarly more than anything symbolizes the Global South for me, my heritage, my background, my nook in the universe, where I am from.

Every time a train glides into a train station, it feels like an action movie to me.

The phone will do more for the Global South than anybody and anything else.